Eyebrows on a Potato

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Thomas grunted as Lottie's elbow dug into his ribs when they landed on the rug. Thick white smoke swirled around them as Lottie groaned, her hair tickling his chin.

Lottie rolled off his chest, which had cushioned her fall, and Thomas sucked in a breath and immediately coughed. "Are ye mad, woman?" he waved an arm through the air to clear the smoke.

Stunned, Lottie slowly began to giggle. "Marvelous," she said, staring at the blast mark on the table.

The smoke finally cleared out the open door and Thomas muttered under his breath, sitting up. "Ye truly shall be the death of me-" he glanced at Lottie and squawked. He slapped his hand over his mouth to stop the sound, but his lips were already beginning to twitch with laughter.

"What?" Lottie said, eyes widening. She touched her cheeks, smearing black soot over her lovely face.

"Saints alive!" Thomas's laughter finally broke free. "Yer eyebrows, Lassie! Ye've blown yer eyebrows clean off!"

Not only that, but her golden hair, now grey with smoke, was singed. The tips of the baby-fine strands that framed her face were curled and browned.

Lottie gasped, feeling for what was left of her eyebrows. She squealed and slapped her hands over the bare spots. "Don't look!"

Thomas roared with laughter, falling back onto the rug, holding his sides.

"Ugh! You-how could you laugh at me?" Lottie smacked his chest, but he only laughed harder, snatching her hand. He tugged and she landed on him, her face coming dangerously close to his.

Thomas hugged her tightly as his chortles faded. "Thank goodness ye weren't hurt," he grinned, shaking his head.

Lottie's lips turned down in a pretty pout and Thomas's gaze paused on them for too long.

His breathing hitched. "Lottie... I-"

"Thank you for pulling me back," Lottie said, her lashes fluttering as she sat up, sliding from his arms.

Thomas blinked, wishing he were better with words. Perhaps then he could express the feelings that were becoming all-consuming in his mind and heart. But now was not the time, he reminded himself as he sat up.

Lottie retrieved a small hand-held mirror from her writing desk. She squealed again at her reflection and slapped it back onto the desk. "Oh, humdudgeon!" she swore, covering her missing eyebrows again.

Thomas stood and took her hand gently. "T'is not all bad," he said, pursing his lips to hide his grin.

"I look like a potato!" Lottie wailed.

"A pretty potato," Thomas bumped Lottie under the chin with a knuckle. "Prettiest I've ever seen, and I've eaten my fair share, so that should say something. Besides, it was a rather exciting experiment!"

Rolling her eyes, Lottie sighed even as she smiled. "You are the only one in the entire world who could make me laugh after burning my eyebrows to kingdom-come."

"Then I have earned my wages for today, I'd say," he said, rubbing his thumb absent-mindedly over her fingers. "Motivation to keep me around, aye?"

"But what am I going to do?" Lottie's voice broke as she covered her face with her other hand. "I can not leave the room looking like this. What if the guests see?"

Thomas chewed his lip and eyed the rug behind them. "Hmm... I might have an idea."


Thomas whistled innocently, shrugging the rolled-up rug higher onto his shoulder.

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