Love At Last

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Thomas found Lottie half-submerged in the fluffy snowdrifts at the base of the castle wall. Her pale hair, now stained with blood, fanned around her like a dark halo. Hands shaking, he touched her cold cheek. Her breath warmed his hand.

She was still alive.

He gathered her into his arms, cradling her face. "Lassie?" he whispered, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. "Please don't go." His voice broke and he glanced down, his heart thudding at the sight of the dark blood staining the snow.

He pressed his hand over the wound in her stomach and buried his face against her neck, hot tears burning his eyes. "Please stay with me."

Two days later, Thomas sat at Lottie's bedside, holding her hand as his head tipped forward in exhaustion.

"You should rest," William said quietly, nudging Thomas awake.

He jerked upright, sighing and rubbing his eyes when he realized it was just his old friend. "I don't want to leave her," he watched as her check rose and fell slowly.

Thankfully, the snow had cushioned her fall and she only sustained a broken wrist and bruised ribs. The stab wound in her stomach had been frightful, but the doctor said it wasn't deep enough to do serious damage. He had been able to stitch it closed... but Lottie still hadn't awakened.

"How is Lord Campbell?" Thomas asked, changing the subject as he readjusted the blankets closer to Lottie's chin.

William sat in one of the other chairs and cringed, massaging his old wound. "The burns from the blast were quite serious. He's lucky to have survived at all. Still, he has yet to regain his hearing."

Thomas nodded and brushed his thumb along Lottie's cheek. The tips of her hair had singed, but she was otherwise unharmed by the blast. They suspected that Lord Campbell had dropped her over the edge of the parapet wall just before the explosion, inadvertently protecting her. "If only Lottie hadn't gone so far to reveal the truth," he said, staring at her peaceful face.

William sighed and patted Thomas on the shoulder. "Get some rest. I'll go check on Fidelia. The doctor fears that the shock has caused some distress for the pregnancy."

After the door closed behind him, Thomas climbed hesitantly onto the bed beside Lottie and laid his head beside hers on the pillow, pressing his lips to her shoulder in a gentle kiss. He curled his body as close as he dared to hers, careful of her many injuries, and closed his eyes. "Come back to me."

Lottie was falling. Falling, watching a sky full of fire above her... and Thomas's hand reaching out. Over and over, she felt the tattered remains of her dress flutter around her as she fell, weightless, to the ground. Each time, she braced for the impact, dreading the pain, utter terror enveloping her mind.

Is this how Le Coquin felt? She wondered as she fell endlessly. Is this my punishment?

"Come back to me," a familiar voice whispered in her ear. Warmth spread across her shoulder and neck as someone breathed beside her, pulling her out of her terror.

Thomas? She tried to call out to him, but her lips wouldn't move.

The dream continued, but this time she fell without fear, looking around for her Scotsman.

"Thomas?" William's voice pierced the shadowy dream. "Someone's here to see you. I think you'd better go."

The warmth beside her vanished.

No, she reached for him. Slowly, her eyes opened, and she looked up at the canopy over her bed, safe in the familiarity of her own bedroom.

"Lottie?" William and Fidelia gasped simultaneously from somewhere nearby.

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