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Mia's POV

"What's going on?" I asked, switching looks between August and Ivona. She looked equally confused but I wanted answers.

"Mia, calm down. She is my younger sister.'' August said. My eyes bulged out of my head when I heard that.

''Sister? Did you know about this?'' I asked. He nodded making my heart drop.

"I'm sure he didn't mean to slip that information, Mia. But why are you and Leon here?'' I looked at Leon who was looking confused as ever.

''Lorena, can you please take Leon to his room?'' August said. He kissed Leon's forehead before Lorena helped him up the stairs.

"I don't understand what's happening,'' Ivona said and plopped down on the chair.

"Smiri se, Ivona. There was just a little misunderstanding here.'' August said. His name was so familiar to me and I must have heard it somewhere.
[translation: Calm down, Ivona.]

"So tell me,'' Ivona demanded.

"I and Mia, five years ago met at the club and stuff happened." August started as I went beat red but he had no trace of embarrassment in his voice.

"I didn't know she was pregnant and I didn't know she had my child. And at Barbie's birthday, I saw her and I saw the resemblance between me and Leon. So I concluded he was my son. And a week ago, Mia agreed to move here with Leon. That's it.'' August finished talking and shoved a piece of steak in his mouth.


"The world is so small. So Leon is my nephew and you are my sister-in-law." Ivona said and looked at me.

I wasn't married to August.

Maybe one day.

What am I talking about?

Stupid Mia.

I was at the loss of words after silence settled. This was for sure a major coincidence. I was feeling happy because Ivona is my third friend and it felt better to have someone by my side here.

"This feels exciting." Ivona squealed. I smiled when she briefly hugged me.

"I will bring Barbara next time. She will be happy to hang out with Leon.''

"Why did you even come here at this time?" August asked.

"Barbara forgot her toy and she wanted it immediately. And I wanted to see what you were doing.'' Ivona explained.

"Well you see, it's time for you to leave.'' He smiled sarcastically. I chuckled seeing a playfully mean look she gave to August.

After we talked some more, Ivona took a toy and hugged us before leaving. She is so nice and very opposite of August.

Just as I closed the door, I was lifted into his arms causing me to squeal at the sudden movement.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"To visit Leon before his bedtime and then we are going to use our bedtime.'' He said smirking. I blushed and buried my face in his neck.

August's POV

A buzz from my phone woke me up from my sleep. I reached over and turned on the phone to see a call from Giovanni. It was 3 in the morning and I have no idea why was he calling me.

"What do you want?"

"Good morning to you too. I hope I didn't interrupt your time with your baby mama." He laughed. My eyes fully opened and my mind was wide awake.

"Forget about everything that you are thinking about. I won't allow you to put a hand on them." I threatened.

"Slow down, lover boy. I won't touch them...for now. Be careful what are you doing and who are you dealing with." He said seriously.

"You don't threaten me. I spared your life that night because of my goodwill. But if I find out you messed with my family, your head will be gone." I said before hanging up.

I put my head back on the pillow and I felt a hand touch my abdomen.
"Who were you talking with?" Mia asked in a sleepy voice. I pulled her on top of me and kissed her forehead.

"Nobody to worry about. Go back to sleep." She nodded and a few minutes later, soft breathing was heard again. I smiled as my mood got much better.

I couldn't go back to sleep so I spent the night caressing Mia's hair and back. In the morning, I went to shower and prepare Leon for school.

I dressed up and went to his room. He was wide awake playing with his toys. He saw me and ran into my arms.
"You ready for school?" I asked. He shook his head and whined.

"Mommy will be mad if you skip so we need to get you ready, okay?" I explained.

"Okay, papa. I brushed my teeth." He said. I raised my eyebrow in surprise and kissed his soft cheek.

"Well done. We need to get you dressed then." I said as I walked with him in his closet.

He took his backpack as we hurried to get to the car. Lorena already prepared a lunch box for him and we moved on. I was driving to his school and he told me to turn on songs because he and Mia always listen to songs on their way to his school.

We reached the school and I helped him to get out of my jeep. Parents gawked at us but I shrugged off the stares. I squatted down to Leon's level.

"Papa, these women are looking at you." He whispered with panic in his eyes.

"Don't worry, buddy. I don't care because I have your mommy." I reassured him and he let out a sigh of relief.

"Mommy is prettiest, right?" He gushed.

"Of course. Mommy is the prettiest. Now, go to school and I'm going to pick you up later. Behave well." I said and kissed his forehead before ushering him to go.

I ignored some stares and retreated to my car as I drove off. I had to go to my office and call Laura's father. He will for sure kill me but I need to convince him to let me go without breaking the contract between us.

I reached my company and went straight to my office not paying attention to any of my employees. They are used to it anyway.

There was a small pile of papers and files that needed to be signed. I was preoccupied with Mia and Leon that I slacked in work.

I took my phone and called Laura's father. His gruff voice answered and I greeted him formally.

"I have to tell you something, Mr. Dawson. We need to break up the engagement of me and Laura." I said.

"And why is that?" He shouted.

"Because I have a son and I love the woman who gave birth to him. More correctly, I found out I have a son a week ago. I want your understanding, Mr. Dawson." I spoke firmly.

"Are you kidding with me?" He asked.

"I don't kid. I'm telling you the truth."

"I want the DNA test by tomorrow. And then we are going to talk. Goodbye, August." He hung up leaving me bewildered.

If Mia finds out I was making a DNA test, she will kill me. But I can't be dishonest with her. I will tell her everything.


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