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August's POV

I woke up to pull closer my baby girl, but her side of the bed was empty. My eyes fluttered open and I saw a dark room and it was still the night.

I looked at the phone to see it was only 6 a.m. But Mia doesn't leave for her work until 7:30.

My heart started hammering against my ribcage and sweat formed on my forehead. I got up from the bed and opened the bathroom door to see the bathroom empty.

I hurried out of our room to Leon's room and opened the door hastily. It was empty. I walked to the bed to see a white piece of paper.


I'm writing you this to tell you that we left.
I found out who you really are.

I love you with all of my heart, but I can't bring my children in danger because of your work.

I promise to keep them safe.


Tears fell from my eyes as I collapsed on my son's bed. I fucking knew that she would leave me after she found out who I really am. It's my fucking fault.

But then it dawned on me.

Did she say children?

I looked at the paper again and it really was written 'children' and 'them'. Is she really? I remembered the talk she had with Laura three days ago.

So you think it's happening again?

Yes. It feels exciting.

New tears found themselves streaming down my face. My girl is pregnant again. With our second child.

I feel so angry at myself.

I should have been honest and tell her that I run the mafia. Of course, the first thought to her was to protect our children.

But from me?

I only showed her a good side of me that was only shown to my family. They are my fucking everything.

Fuck the mafia.

Family is the most important thing anyone could have.

I only found them now and they are gone again. I need to search for them. Now, they can be in real danger all alone outside.


He will find them.

I can't let that happen.

I dialed Valerio's number and he picked up after a few moments.

[translation: Boss.]

"Mia i Leon su nestali. Nađi ih prije Giovannia.''
[translation: Mia and Leon disappeared. Find them before Giovanni does.]

He hung up after my order and I called my other mem to start searching for them. If Giovanni fucking finds them I will personally cut his hands for touching them.

1 day ago

Mia's POV

''Baby, let's visit papa,'' I said to Leon who sprinted in my arms to hug me.

''Now now now.'' He squealed, jumping up and down.

''It will be a surprise.'' I smiled.

After getting dressed, we asked the driver to take us to August's office. I'm sure he will be thrilled to see us there.

I never actually went to his office and it made me curious. Leon was excited too as today was Friday. The last day of school in the week.

''Mommy, can we go to the fun park on my birthday? With papa?'' He asked me, making puppy eyes.

''Of course. I'm going to tell papa and he will buy tickets beforehand.'' I said.

His birthday was two months away but time was passing so fast. My little boy will turn six and I couldn't be more proud. He grew up to be so good.

When we arrived in front of the company, I took Leon by his hand and led him inside. There were guards. Everywhere.

Workers greeted me kindly and the receptionist gave candy to Leon. I already knew he liked her.

We took the elevator to the last floor where only August's office and his secretary's office, resided.

I told Leon to be quiet as I went to grab the doorknob but stopped when I heard a strange man's gruff voice.

''The shipment arrived.'' He said.

''And guns?'' I heard August's voice say. My heart hammered against my chest as I put my hand over Leon's mouth.

''Five hundred guns, two tons of heroin, and a ton of marijuana. It sailed perfectly fine, Boss.'' The gruff voice was heard again.

I picked Leon up and tucked his head in my neck. I had to leave.

This was not safe.

What did I bring my child into? August is not the man he claimed to be. I only know one type of work that includes this stuff.

The mafia.

He kept a secret from me. A secret that can bring me and my child to the grave. We are not safe with him.

He was not normal while being involved in the mafia. And on top of that, he was the boss.

I had to get away.

I didn't want to bring any harm to my son, especially when I carried another one in my stomach.

Another life from him.

I should have been more observing or all of this wouldn't have happened. I dug my own grave because I got involved with it.

But hell, I love him.

I can't stop it. I can't fight it.

He made me fall in love with him so soon. So quick. Like a spell.

But I know the day will come where he shows his bad side to us if we stay. So I won't stay.

Tonight, we are leaving.

To be safe. To keep my children safe.

It's all about them. My life, my little loves.

Nobody knows about me being pregnant except Laura and it's a good thing that I didn't tell August yet. Or he would never let me out of sight.

We need to hide and keep our safety.

''Mommy, why can't we see papa?'' Leon whined as I exited the elevator.

''He is very very busy now. We don't want him mad, right?'' He nodded his little head and a disappointed sigh escaped his lips before he was leaning on my shoulder again.

I hope we can move on with our lives again.

Just like he was never there.


I know this was a little bit off guard, but yeah...
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