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( haHA sluws dad got mad at them because her name for me on snap was "my little *f slur*" (both of us can say it))

you dusted yourself off once you emerged from the forest and into the small clearing the pond near pogtopia was in. tommy and tubbo were there, sitting beside the water with there swords resting on the grass, waiting patiently for you. rather, tubbo was waiting patiently for you whilst tommy rambled to him about something and threw rocks into the murky water. you narrowed the topics down to either women, how much he hated dream, or how 'manly and strong' he was.

"..yeah, tubbo, i just think that blowing it up isn't the right way to go about this." you gradually got into earshot. "we could reclaim it! we could take.. down.. schlatt..." tommy trailed off when he noticed tubbo staring at you, meanwhile you stood behind tommy, glaring down at him and waiting for him to notice. "she's right fuckin' there, isn't she?" tommy groaned. tubbo hummed, confirming tommy's suspicions. "hey, boss man! did you lose them?" tubbo spoke up first.

"yeah. fundy's night vision didn't help. stupid fucking fox." you cursed. "i'm a bit marked up from a fall, but other than that i'm alright. how about you?" you sat down as well, going criss-cross-applesauce.

"we're fine. once we split up with lost fundy." tommy answered for his best friend. there was a long awkward silence after that. "can we go back? i'm tired as shit." tubbo, who usually had a terrible sleep schedule, asked. "fine, big t. i just don't want to see wilbur."

tommy and tubbo walked ahead while you trailed behind, thinking quietly to yourself. fundy was working against schlatt secretly. but he had been on schlatt's side since the beginning. what had changed his mind? there were many answers to that question since schlatt was a horrid man, but what made fundy only agree with that now?


why aren't there any safety railings here? you silently complained as you, tubbo, and tommy quietly hopped down the stairs in an attempt to be quiet. wilbur and dream were the only ones up and all the lights had been put out except for a large fire near wilbur's and techno's beds.  that's when you noticed the bed arrangement. dream had moved farther away from wilbur and techno. far enough away where he had to make his own small fire just for him. tommy and tubbo had insisted on sleeping on the other side of the ravine together and took the initiative on making their own fire for themselves. surprisingly, they had been able to start a small flame many times.

"so? how'd it go?" wilbur cut to the chase right away, sitting up straighter and crossing one leg over the other as he waited for an answer. "the podium and stands and games are still standing but they look like shit. manberg hasn't cleaned up at all since the festival incident. schlatt looks like shit as usual." tommy explained. he seemed to have forgotten that fundy had lost his quill. "it looks like fundy has taken y/n and i's places as well." tubbo said. "was anyone awake?" wilbur asked, rubbing one eye tiredly.

"yes. schlatt and fundy. i'm surprised schlatt didn't wake anyone else up with all the drinking and shouting he was doing." you commented on schlatt's terrible habits. "did anyone see you?" dream chimed in. after exchanging a fast 'oh no' glance with tommy and tubbo, you went right to answering with a quick 'no.' wilbur's only wish wad that you three had to be careful. you had not been careful, but you didn't want to worry either of them. especially dream. he would phreak with a ph if he found out you had been caught and tackled to the ground and nearly captured. luckily with your great lying skills, you liked to call them your pretending-to-a-great-extent skills, both dream and wilbur bought it.

"..alright. whatever you say, y/n. now, tommy and tubbo, you two need to go sleep. if you two are up any later together you'll wake up everyone in this ravine and all the mobs in the caves beside it." wilbur asked of them. tommy was quick to argue, saying that they were men and that they will go to bed when they want. you did think that they were old enough to police themselves on when they should sleep, with both of them being almost seventeen, but with the dark circles under the younger boy's eyes you could tell they weren't sleeping as well as they should be. you would let wilbur figure this out.

you moved to sit on the bed that dream was sitting on, placing yourself snuggly beside him. "are you sleeping here tonight?" you asked, voice quiet as you leaned against him. "probably. but i'll go wherever you go. i've barely slept since the festival." dream spoke softly as well. it was comforting. "you should go back home to your comfy bed then. i'll be fine here. sapnap and george are probably wondering where you went as well." dream saying he hadn't slept much worried you. he held your face gently with his hand and kissed the top of your head after raising his mask a bit, saying, "as i said, i'll go wherever you go, so i guess i'm staying here."

"after that i think it's time to sleep. if i'm lucky that scene won't leak into my goddamn nightmares." tommy turned to tubbo and pointed at his mouth, making it look like he was gagging. they shared a short laugh before retreating to their side of the ravine, the side they said no one else was allowed on except them and that it was a part of the tommyinnit enterprise. you heard wilbur sigh before spinning on his heal to face you and dream. you couldn't tell if it was a scowl, an amused smile, or a look of disgust in the dim light.

"what?" dream smiled proudly, leaning against the cave walls and pulling you closer to him like he did at the rally while the election was being held. this time you didn't mind it.

"..nothing. just keep it quiet if you start fucking each other." was wilbur being serious or was he just teasing? you couldn't tell. by the time you had processed what he had said, wilbur had already left to go to hid bed near techno's.

"ew, thanks for the advice we won't need." you dismissed the idea immediately. but dream didn't. "no promises." you could hear the laughter in the dirty blond's voice. "shut up! we will be doing no such thing." you sat up and shoved him in the shoulder, earning a small laugh from dream.

he took off his mask once he knew nobody else was watching and placed it on the crafting table beside the bed. "what? not even with me again?" he held your chin in his hand, pulling your face close to his as he placed his arm on the wall behind you. you thought he was going to kiss you again with the way he was acting. "no! definitely not with you." you emphasized the 'you' to make it clear you were insulting him. "hey, you'd better watch that pretty little mouth of yours before i put it to work. you'd like that, wouldn't you?" to nobody's surprise, you got the dirty joke right away and your face flushed red. "no i would not! now shut up before i make my own bed and go join tommy and tubbo."

you pretended to search through your inventory for some wool and wood just to scare him. "..i only have two pieces of white wool." you said in a fake sad voice. "good. cause you're not going anywhere." dream basically dragged you back onto the bed, your head on his chest and your legs between his. "i've changed my mind. i'll stay here." you felt warmer as dream pulled the blankets onto you and him. "now sleep. you even sound tired, dreamy." you told dream. from the way his voice was deep and raspy, he was clearly tired.

"fine. love you, y/n."

"love you too, dreamy."

1406 words


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