27. The broken bridge-1

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Dhruv's point of view

"Sir, It's already 9:00 P.m of the night. Office ends at 6:00 p.m. When will you go home?"

I know it's past three hours since the office time ended and my personal assistant Shastri ji wants to go home. This is the third time he was reminding me about the time. This is not the first time, I am working this late and because of me Shastri ji also suffering. He is a family man and I am not. Maybe that's why, I never wanted to go home. It always feels empty like my heart. I always feel restlessness and loneliness when I step into my rented house. Though government provided me a bungalow but I never claimed it. It feel more empty than my small apartment. I spent most of my time in office and worked till exhaustion covered my body. But I never allow myself to rest otherwise my messed up mind again play dirty minds with me.

"I already told you. You can go home Shastri ji." I said while going through the file which I received in this evening.

"I work for you sir. Government pay me to be with you. My duty doesn't allow me sir." Shastri ji said politely but I can hear the exhaustion in his voice and I know I can't torture this old man just because of my own selfish reasons.

Shastri ji is the best P.A the government could provide me. He is best in his work and always took care of my things. I can't function properly without him. He is about my father's age, maybe few years younger than him but he always thinks me as his son. His kindness and humbleness is famous in the office and everyone gives him a respect.

"Okay..let's go." I closed the file and looked at the old man in front of me. He gave me his wide smile telling me that how glad he is that I decided to go home.

He was about to pick my coat jacket for me from my chair but before he could reach it I picked it and wore it. I never allowed him to do any of my personal work not even to pick my coat jacket. He is my father's age and most respected person in this whole office. I respect him too and I can't allow him to do such things for me.

Shastri ji pick the black small bag, hooked it in his arm pit and gestured me to go first. As I walked outside from my cabin my guards saluted me and followed me behind. I walked in the office corridor like an officer, with all my glory like I rule this place and my guards are following me behind. Almost whole office was empty but whom stayed behind, they stopped their work and stood straight on their place, in my respect.

I walked outside from the corridor and my driver was already ready with my car while opening the back seat door for me.

"Good evening sir."

My driver gritted me. I nodded in gesture and sit inside the car on back seat. Shastri ji took the passenger seat and driver drives the car towards my house. Tow more cars also were alo drivers towards my house one in front of my car and another one is following us from behind. Blue siren's voice were echoing in the air telling everyone that the District Magistrate is passing through the roads.

Before, I was posted in Kanpur but took a transfer, last month in Lucknow because of my Mom's request. She wants me to spend some time with the family. Lots of changed in these past five years. Nikhil got married to his girlfriend two years back and now blessed with my one year old nephew, Rayansh, who is just like his father. Divya completed her graduation and now doing her masters in Lucknow itself. I leave the house after spending two weeks with my family and later rented a small house for their own peace because no one has the single idea in my family what I am going through and I am not intended to tell anyone.

They don't deserve it. They don't deserve to know the mess of my life. My family supported me in every single step of my family and I can't let them know about my agony. Papa is so proud that his younger son is an IAS officer. His eyes shined in happiness when he saw his son's convoy passing through the roads of the city. It was like a dream for him to come true.

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