Sister Nadia

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A/N: Hi guyyyssss. I hope you all have been okay. I know I haven't been able to respond really to most of your comments.. honestly I don't think you guys care much about that, but still, I'm sorry. I still really love and appreciate the comments I get and I'm happy you guys still find this story enjoyable. Thank you for sticking with me through this weird journey and my occasional vents. I love you all so much!

P.s. this isn't a goodbye... yet haha. Unfortunately, yet fortunately, this story will have to end soon. And who knows, the ending may come sooner than any of you expect.

Warning! Triggering content!

Leo didn't know why he was running. The moments leading up to now where nonexistant as he forced his legs to work harder. He had to go faster. If he didn't, something bad was gonna happen.

Ducking through alleys and tiny yards, he wasn't concerned about someone seeing him. He knew it was early in the morning, much too early for anyone to be in their lawn.

As he ran, there was a small thing that tickled the back of his mind and Leo noted that his legs were shorter than something he had grown accustomed to. It took more out of him to cover distance, though distance was vital right now.

Regardless of the urgency, his legs faltered and he stumbled. This cost him precious time as his ears picked up faint sirens in the distance.

He needed a safe place.


He stumbled again as the exhaustion dragged his legs down. However, luck was on his side this time as he landed next to a sewage drain. It wasn't the most appealing idea. But Leo didn't have time to think about what was unpleasant, he only had time to act. He was down the drain before there could be another thought.

It was exactly what you would expect a sewage drain to be like. Dark, dingy, and smelly. Leo kept moving, trying his best to make sure he was heading in any direction away from where he had started.

He must have been getting predictable because soon enough Leo heard footsteps down the pipes that weren't his own. He took off again, racing away, but froze when he heard some in front of him as well. He looked around frantically, desperate for an escape.

But it was too late.

A hand caught onto his arm with a triumphant 'gotcha!' and with that Leo was carted away. Back to the hell he had tried so hard to escape, back... to Sister Nadia, and back to her coven of "repentant sinners."

Leo knew what was going to happen when he was returned back to that so called foster home and his body began to freeze at the thoughts... the memories.

He couldn't go back!

"Please, no! No! Don't take me back!" Leo began to scream and thrash. All his efforts earned him was a tighter grip on his arm. A grip that would be the kindest one if he was returned.

'I can't go back! No! No no no!!'

Leo's chest tightened in panic and his breath came out as a wheeze. It didn't matter what he did. He wasn't going to get out of this. He was caught, like a fly in a spiderweb. The more he made a commotion, the quicker his death would be... and he saw that death coming all too soon.

There, back on ground level, was Sister Nadia, dressed in her nun garments and wearing a worried expression. She wasn't actually worried. She knew Leo would be caught and then she would have the privilege of punishing him again.

Once Leo was handed over and felt that cold hand resting on his collar bone, he stopped fighting. He knew it was over. Time passed in a blur before, all too soon, they were at the chapel where the other foster kids were held. Leo wasn't put with the other kids though. There was a fear of 'impure blood.' As if talking to the other kids would corrupt them.

Normally Leo had a small storage room to himself, but when he was being 'punished' he was led to the sisters spare room, and that was where he was taken now.

Sister Nadia didn't throw him in there. She let go of him and Leo walked inside, sitting onto the bed. Maybe it was him getting used to this or something about the trauma, but Leo's body began to numb itself in preparation. Before the Sister left, she uttered a single word that made Leo's blood run cold..


There was no more breath in his lungs as he hugged his stomach.. he wanted to throw up. He wanted to die.

The door slowly opened and a presence came beside him. He tried not to flinch as it started...

It hurt.

It hurt so bad.

It hurts...

"It hurts!!"

Leo woke up screaming, thrashing and twisting around. He felt pressure around his chest and screamed louder.


Jason quickly let go and tried to get Leo to calm down.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. It's just me Leo. It's Jason. Leo?" The words were lost on the other. Yet, the distance helped and after several minutes of deep breaths, Leo began to calm down. He was still gasping and kept rubbing his face and his chest. There were tears and sweat running down his face.

Jason hated how he couldn't help, but what he really hated was how Leo was hurting. The stress of the dream was sure to make his chest hurt even more, especially after all he had been through. Leo needed most to rest and whatever he just dreamt was the farthest thing from rest.

"Leo? Are you okay?" Jason asked, tentatively reaching out a hand to hold Leo's.

Leo jerked away quickly and stared at the other for a few seconds before taking a shaky breath, "I'm o-okay."

"No, you're not.. can I hug you?"

Leo didn't respond for several moments before nodding. Although Jason wanted to hug the other as tight as he could, he had a feeling he should be gentle. He slowly wrapped his arms around the smaller boy and held him.

"It was just a dream, it's okay."

Leo choked on a sob and shook his head quickly. He felt sick. He never wanted to remember those things. He wanted to forget them forever.

Jason frowned at the reaction. It wasn't a dream? If it wasn't a dream.. was it a memory? What was hurting Leo? What happened to him?

"It's okay now. I'm here." Was all Jason could say. It seemed to help a bit. After an good amount of time, Leo was finally able to relax and calm down. His chest was aching a bit, but he was able to focus on Jason. Mainly on his scent and warmth.

Leo hoped Jason wouldn't try to ask about it. He seemed to pick up on this because he didn't ask about it and instead made a random comment. Leo didn't give a response, but the mood lightened up slightly. Jason took note of it and decided to try and sing a song for the other.

It didn't sound too bad. Leo enjoyed feeling the vibrations from Jason's voice reverberating into his chest.

"You sound terrible," Leo joked.

"I'm doing this for you," Jason retorted, but his voice was light and only held affection for the other.

".... thank you," Leo whispered.

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