Day 13

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He didn't want to go out. He didn't want to see anyone, but he couldn't handle the hunger anymore and the breath mints from his tool belt did nothing to satisfy. So Leo reluctantly opened the door and began walking to the food pavilion

'Was it always this far away? I'm so hungry I don't wanna take another step' ,Leo staggered onward mumbling and wincing as the painful hunger pangs increased. Just as he entered the pavilion area, however, a particularly sever pang hit him causing him to trip and black out.


His head was pounding and his stomach felt like it was eating itself when Leo came back around.

'Is this just how my life is going to be from now on?' Leo thought as he squinted his eyes open and took in his surroundings. Once again, he was in the infirmary.

'I practically live in this sh*thole'

"You wouldn't be in here so often if you took care of yourself y'know" a voice called out.

"I didn't mean to say that out loud," Leo mumbled as Will Solace and Nico DiAngelo walked out from around the corner.

"It's alright Neeks over here doesn't like this place either. He also sucks at taking care of himself" The healer said and wrapped his arm around Nico's waist.

Leo didn't respond for a moment. "I just forgot to eat for awhile. I was working on a project and I get all feverish and don't think about food. It's not a big deal"

Nico mumbled something and Will nodded "That's true. So I probably should-" Nico mumbled again and Will nodded and turned toward the fire user.

"Alrighty then! We are gonna get you something to eat and then we can send you off-"

"That's great, thanks."

"However," Leo stared, dumbfounded, "You wont be allowed to do any projects for 3 weeks, you will need to come in for daily assessments and I'm going to assign someone to be your personal companion for right now. Do you have any preferences?"

For once, no sound came out of the mechanics mouth. He gaped and stared as Will wrote something down and Nico cleaned things up and muttered tips and info. When Leo didn't speak for a long time Will finally looked at him "Did you have anyone you'd prefer or should I choose?"

"I-I ... I'm not a baby! I don't need someone watching over me!"

Something in the son of Apollo's face hardened and when he spoke, his tone was stern. "You are going to have a companion with you for 3 weeks. If you really don't need anyone watching over you, then we can see if we can do it for less time. But right now, this is the plan and that's final."

With words failing him yet again, all Leo could do was nod in response. Meanwhile Nico stood up, walked out, and came back in with a tray of food. "Eat"

Not wanting to risk any more of a tongue lashing, the fire wielder thanked Nico and silently ate his food. 

A/N: help. Do i add ships or no?

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