It's me...

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In the bed lay a sobbing, broken girl. The tears streamed from her bloodshot eyes like a continuous downpour of rain, an angry storm. As an untamable sea brings waves that rise and fall, so her emotions also rose and fell. Every low brought her torrent of tears cascading down. Never-ending.  The emotional pain became physical as her heart began to give out, her brain sending so much distress and anguish that her heart was failing, and as she lay in bed crying, she clutched her chest. Her eyes squeezed shut as her face contorted in pain. Salty tears caught on eyelashes, ran down her cheeks and soaked into the pillow. The pillow offered some comfort and she clung to it. She sobbed. Her heart ached so badly. She screamed. She cried and screamed and writhed in the pain and tears, until she had no more tears, no more voice, no more fight. In the bed lay a broken girl. All out of tears and all out of breath, she closed her eyes and drifted off.

HEY GUYYYYYSSSSS!!! I WAS AT BOOTCAMP ALL WEEK! IT WAS EXHAUSTING BUT AMAZING! I'M SAD IM A SENIOR CUZ NOW I CANT EVER GO AGAIN AND I CRIED ABOUT THIS. also my birthday is soon and i never thought id make it to 19 and im actually scared for myself cuz i thought id kill myself before then so these next 2 weeks are kind of crucial to whether i kill myself or not... haha im terrifiedddbut no one knows or cares lolol so anyways. yeah thank you so much for yalls support. ill update wen i get the chance. thank you so much guys! i love you all so much!!

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