Looking For Me?

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A/N: Hi guys!! So I made it 6 months clean. I wasn't really able to celebrate with anyone in person, but my amazing friend was able to chat with me for most of the day and helped me through the hardest parts. I made a celebratory meal and then didn't want to eat it cause I was eating alone, but it looked super tasty. Thank you @MehIsAJ and @amandaandleo for the suggestions on how to celebrate. I really appreciated that. ALSOOOO I'm hoping to update a bit more. We shall see how that goes. NOW TO OUR FEATURED PRESENTATION!

Jason reached the door of Cabin Nine and went to open the door only to have it open for him. When he looked up, he found a small group led by Nyssa standing there.

"Just who we were looking for!" a burly boy in the back exclaimed. 

"O-oh, really? I was actually just looking for Leo..." Jason trailed off as the entire group took an intimidating step forward. 

"Why don't we take this outside," Nyssa said in a not-so-friendly voice that sounded more like an order than a suggestion.

The change in behavior from being so kind and happy when Jason and Leo had first arrived, to this now hostile aggressiveness caused to Jason take a few steps back. The group followed right after and before he could even comprehend what was going on, he was pinned to the side of Cabin Nine. The small gang surrounded him with the burly boy directly in front, his hands pushing Jason's shoulders into the building. 

"Steady now, Andy. We just wanted to talk," Nyssa stepped forward and half-heartedly pulled the boy's arm off of the blonde. Andy gave a small grunt and released Jason, stepping back into the group surrounding them. Though that didn't do much to make Jason feel any better about this situation. If it ended up turning into him having to defend himself, he couldn't guarantee that no one else would be hurt. 

'These are Leo's brothers and sisters. He would hate if I hurt any of them.' 

"This couldn't wait? I really need to talk to Leo." Jason tried for an appeasing tone. He either messed it up completely or it was what he said because the group got even more worked up. They pressed closer, one of them darting forward to shove Jason who stumbled, landing on his knees. He was sure that they were about to start kicking and beating him, but everyone froze when they heard a familiar voice.

"What are you guys doing?" Leo asked seeing several of his older siblings surrounding something.

'Is there a cat there?' he wondered and started walking over. This triggered everyone into action, all of them springing apart, one of them managing to pull Jason up in a single swift move. 

When Leo's eyes landed on Jason, he froze, his expression turning dark. Jason understood immediately and tried to step forward to talk, only to have another Hephestaus child put an arm out to stop him.

'These kids are really starting to get on my nerves!' Jason pushed the arm away and approached Leo. He had a lot to say and took a deep breath.

"Why did you leave?" Leo beat him to the punch and he stumbled.

"I- uh- w-well, you had all your siblings a-and you wanted to catch up... with... them?" Jason knew that that wasn't what Leo had meant, but it suddenly felt like his mind was a broken record that kept skipping. The words 'cute', 'love you', and 'kiss' were repeating over and over again. But Jason's lack of a coherent sentence did nothing to lighten Leo's disappointment. The hurt was still clear on his face as he started turning away. 

The son of Jupiter ended up panicking, grabbing Leo's hand and blurting out the first thing that came to mind, "Y-your kiss is cute! I-I mean your cute is kiss! N-no! You're cute! I-I... l-like-.."

A snort came from behind Jason's shoulder and he felt his face heat up. It made thinking even harder and he had to watch helplessly as Leo tried to decipher what he just said. The Latino stood there for a few seconds that seemed like hours.

"Um, thank you," he smiled, but mostly looked concerned for the other boy. "Did you wanna come inside?"

Leo's voice was even, but his eyes were on Jason's hands still holding his. He couldn't help the color that started rushing to his cheeks. Sure they had been together for weeks, slept together, showered together, and even given piggyback rides, but this felt different. Maybe it was because the blonde was acting so flustered. I mean, he couldn't possibly mean that he thought Leo was cute in an attractive way. Just like when you see a puppy or a bunny and say it's cute. That's what Jason meant.


"Okay," Jason sounded pained as he let go and allowed Leo to lead him inside, but not before glancing back at the group that had been aggressive before. He wished he didn't. They all looked like they were about to burst with laughter. All except Nyssa, who just had a thoughtful expression on her face. 

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