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Darius walked with me to 2nd period, seeing as we have pretty similar schedules. But on our way, there was a commotion. We both turn a corner of the hallway,  coming face-to-face with a crowd of people, all circled around something.

The crowd watches something happen in the middle. Darius, for some reason, gets excited over a fight, grabbing my wrist and pushing to the front, clearly curious as to what the drama was.

When we emerge to the front of the crowd, I see two buff guys in the middle. They're watching each other, glaring before they lunge at each other.

The guy who got the most hits landed was tall and muscular but not huge and bulky. He, for some reason, attracted me but in a strange way. Like you know in movies when fireworks go off on the love interest and stuff, it's like that. The way that he punches the other man, almost knocking him out each time...
And I'm a pacifist!
Unless it's him...

He has dark brown curly hair and dark dangerous green eyes. He's older than me, probably a senior. He has pale skin, not sickly pale but... still white.

The mystery guy continues punching the other one in the face. They seemed to keep going at it even though the green eyed man was clearly winning. The other couldn't even get a hit in.

The losing guy falls to the ground, completely exhausted and beat up. I barely keep in a gasp as the other puts his foot on the man's chest. He glares down at him and growls out, "Don't try that again!" I gulp at his deep and demanding voice and fury-holding eyes.

Suddenly another man ran into the middle of the circle of students. He shoves people in the crowd out of the way, looking frantically at the man with his foot on another's throat. He hurries forward, bringing his hands up to the green eyed man's chest.

The new man is blond and just as handsome as Green Eyes. He's a bit shorter but still much taller than my 5'6 self, of course.
Yes, I'm a short twink, fuck off.
His blue eyes are shiny and bright, but like Green Eyes', strong.

He starts speaking quietly to him but most of the crowd could hear it, seeing as they'd all quieted when the new man showed up.

"Hey hey hey! Calm down, Dean." The blond pleaded, "There is no need to cause a scene!" He glances around the circle before looking back to Dean. "Adam'll be pissed when he finds out you pulled this shit."

The blond was able to get Dean to calm down. Blondie held Dean's face in his hands, forcing him to look him in the eye. Blondie pushed Dean softly, not wanting to do anything to make him angry again, forcing him to step off the man. He distracted him as he kicked the guy behind him on the ground, encouraging him to move. 

Even though he was trying to get the injured man out of danger, his kick was still very rough. The man on the ground immediately crawls a few feet before shooting up in the air and hurrying down the hall.

Dean sighs as he eyes the guy as he runs off. Blondie lets out a breath and turns to the crowd. "Get out of here!" He shouts, eyes automatically getting angry when they left Dean's.

Everyone scurries away as his voice echoes in the hall. Darius is still holding onto my arm as he yanks me away, us getting lost in the crowd.

As he drags me down the hall, I question, "Who were they?"

He glances at me, hesitating before he looks straight ahead and continues walking. He sighs but answers, "That was Dean and Ethan. They're a part of the school's most intimidating... relationship."

I peek up at him, raising my eyebrow, "A part of? What do you mean?"

"Adam. Their third." He let out a laugh before continuing, "If you thought Dean was bad, just don't get Adam angry. Actually, don't get any of them angry. You'll get hurt."

I nodded in understanding. But I don't understand!
I haven't even seen this Adam guy, so how do I know who not to anger?
And how can someone be worse than Dean? He was just beating a man to a pulp!
Also, did Darius say they're an intimidating relationship?
What does that even mean?
The blond one, Ethan, seemed like he also had some kind of rep with being mad.
Well I guess they all have some anger issues or something.
I wonder if they've considered couple's therapy?

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