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Quinlan had a car waiting outside for them, Gillian climbed in finding her body was simply on autopilot. 

Quinlan put the radio on, glancing over at her at regular intervals. 

Gillian looked at the time on the cars clock they had been driving around for at least half an hour.  Taking a deep breath Gillian finally asked. “He’s gone to kill Anthony hasn't he?”

Quinlan glanced over at her again, she didn't return his gaze. 

“You can't answer the question can you?” she looked over at him, Quinlan shook his head. 

“Gabby know?” Quinlan shook his head again... 

“He will never be able to be completely honest with me will he?” Quinlan sighed.

“Look Gill, this is a hard life that we picked and it’s not for everyone...” he paused.

“But?” Gillian head her voice ask.

“He’s really good at his job Gill, and he loves it.” Again he took a deep breath. “And if you asked him to he’d give it all up in a heart beat. I love my bother and I want him to be happy but if he gives this up for you he won’t be Callan anymore.”

There was silence in the car for a moment, Gillian sighed. “I love him Quinn, and I trust him. I don’t quite know when that happened but I really do trust him completely.” She wiped the tears that moistened her cheeks. Quinlan gave her leg a gently pat. “It terrifies you, doesn’t it?” she nodded.

“Look Gillian no one can decide for you, but no one knows my brother like I do. And I can bet my life on what I’m about to tell you. He will always be loyal. He would never allow anyone to hurt you... not ever, he would rather die. He will always be respectful. He would never force anything on you. The fact that you trust him completely means more to him then anyone could ever put into words. And as hard as it was he has been fighting his feelings for you from the moment you met, in an attempt to keep this world from you and he will put me in a hospital bed if he knew I was telling you any of this, but he will love you for the rest of his life no matter what you decide to do.” Gillian smiled through her tears.

“Never thought I’d be having this conversation with you.” Quinlan grinned. “I did from the moment I saw his reaction when you walked through the door in that little white number.” Gillian laughed. “I almost didn’t wear that dress I was grateful it was what I wore that night the moment my eyes met his. I’ll deny this if you repeat it because I didn’t even tell Gabby but he wasn’t the only one who knew in that moment... I knew then too.” Quinlan winked at her. “I know.”

There was once more silence for a moment before Quinn spoke again. “Gill you are now in our tiny trust circle and you wouldn’t be if we didn’t think that we could trust you. We will both understand if you want no part of it. But I have to ask, well beg really that you never tell a soul about what you know about Callan and me not only for our safety but yours as well. And for my safety please don’t tell my brother that I told you that he loves you.” Gillian patted his hand and flashed a small smile. “I promise I won’t say a word about any of this... it must be so unimaginably hard to have to hide such a big part of your life from the people you love most. It must be such a lonely career path.”

Quinlan’s eyes grew sad. “You will never truly know how hard it is Gill, but Callan and I are lucky we have each other. Wouldn’t survive if I didn’t have him, I couldn't even try to tell you how much we lean on each other.” Quinlan pulled the car into an empty parking lot, Gillian looked around and Quinlan grinned.

“Give him five seconds, he’ll be checking to see if we were followed.” Quinlan had hardly finished speaking when Callan stepped out into the open, Gillian felt relief flood over her. Her hand went for the door, but before she could pull the handle Quinlan caught her. “Wait Gillian, something’s wrong.”

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