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Callan refused to tell her where and how he found her charm bracelet, but the moment he placed it on her arm again Gillian felt like the nightmare was officially over.

Although she received no details on what happened to Vivienne, Callan had told her that Anthony’s son was rescued and returned to his mother safe and sound setting her conscience at ease. He had promised her that he had ensured that Anthony’s son and his mother would be protected for the rest of their lives only making Gillian love Callan all the more.

The last three months of her pregnancy were filled with enough love and happiness to make her heart explode. Gillian could almost not remember how scared she was before Anthony, Callan and Quinlan had saved her. Callan was not willing to wait more then three days before they were officially married, John gave her away. Gillian loved him all the more for his beautiful words to her. ‘you know Gillian you and your IT guy make a perfect couple. And if I have to loose you to anyone I am actually glad it’s to him, I hate to admit this but I think he loves you more then I ever could.’ John hadn’t brought the blond with much to Gillian’s relief.
She absolutely loved her wedding day, it was small with only their closest friends. Callan took her to their waterfall for a short four day honeymoon. Followed by a week long holiday with Gabby and Quinlan, a romantic holiday to a fancy island resort.

Quinlan and Gabby were as involved with the preparations for the twins as Callan and Gillian were. From the painting of walls, to the choice of cribs and clothing. Even John was excited for Gillian and Callan.

Callan told Gillian that he was going to quit his job, he and Quinn had already decided. She took his hand in hers. “Callan McKenzie, now you listen very carefully to your wife. You love your job and I will not be the reason why you give it up. Do you hear me?” Quinlan had laughed at the expression on Callan’s face. “I told you she wont let you quit for her.” After many discussions it was decided that Quinlan and Callan would be continuing with their careers... for now.

And then finally..... finally the day arrived. The day that Gillian had waited her entire life for!

“Congratulations Mr and Mrs McKenzie you have two beautiful healthy baby boys.” The doctor said handing Gillian two beautiful babies. “One for each arm.” He teased and stepped back. Callan looked lovingly at Gillian. “You finally a mom!” He whispered her eyes filled with love for him and their sons. “Now your dream is complete.” Callan shook his head; “not until we’ve lived together happily for ever after my gorgeous, amazing, wonderful, beautiful, perfect Gillian.” Gillian smiled. “I feel like I’m going to explode with love and happiness. I love you so very much Callan, my very own night in shining armour.”

Quinlan groaned from the doorway; “like seriously Gill, you really should stop boosting his ego it’s big enough.” Callan smirked and put his arm around his twin brother. “Want to meet my fabulous sons?” Quinlan nodded, his eyes filling with emotions. He stepped closer. “Quinn I’d like you to meet Anthony and Quinlan McKenzie.” Gillian said smiling from ear to ear. Quinlan hugged his brother and kissed Gillian, lost for words he simply stood next to Callan and watched his nephews with as much love as his heart could bare.

“Gabby might divorce me for coming without her.” Quinn finally said. “Not if you forgive me for doing the same thing.” She answered him from the doorway with a grin. “They are beautiful.” Gabby whispered as she sat on the bed next to Gillian. “Congratulations, mommy.” Gabby hugged her best friend gently. “I’m your aunty Gabs.” She said kissing both babies on the forehead. “And Uncle Quinn and I are going to spoil you rotten.”

Callan’s eyes remained on Gillian’s while their best friends ogled over their sons. Lost in each others eyes their love filling the room for all to feel.

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