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Gillian opened her eyes to a new day. Missing his warm strong body she turned to see her Callan missing. Pulling his shirt over her head she smiled, she couldn’t remember ever feeling this satisfied. She called his name as she walked through his home, fear growing in her when no reply came. It was the first morning in two weeks that he hadn’t been by her side when she opened her eyes. In the kitchen she found a note by a pot of coffee...

My love,
Had to pop out quick.
I’ll try to get back as quick as I can.
Text if you need anything.
Love you.

Gillian filled a coffee mug and decided to sit in Callan’s garden, the sun on her face she sat dreaming of her perfect future with her perfect man. She still couldn't believe that Callan fully intended to have children with her, he was quite prepared to wait before they started trying but Gillian had told him trying was the best part and the chance that he’d get her pregnant first try was highly unlikely at her age. He had grinned his cheeky grin that she loved and said ‘well then I’ll have to make sure I try more then just once.’ Gillian giggled again now at the thought as she had when he said it she shook her head still astounded how quickly their relationship had grown serious.

A smile still glued to her face as she thought about his words, he had told her about his dream in vivid detail how he had seen their lives filled with love, laughter and adventure. He told her how he pictured their wedding the night they met because of the white dress she wore.  He told her:

‘I knew in that moment, when I saw you in that dress and your perfume filled my senses... I knew then that you were going to become my greatest weakness. And give me more strength then I could imagine. I knew that you were the only person in the universe that I could not be without, I have never been as excited, terrified or filled with love as I was in that moment.’ 

After enjoying her coffee in the sun she made herself some breakfast which she decided to enjoy in the sun with a second cup of coffee.

Gillian jumped when the woman’s voice sounded behind her.

“Good morning.”

Gillian turn, she immediately relaxed when she saw the familiar face. “Hey Viv. Want some breakfast?” Vivienne shook her head and just as quickly as Gillian had felt at ease she became acutely aware of the danger that she was currently in.

“Tell me Gill how did you get him to fall in love with you? I’ve been trying for years and the man won’t even look at me when I’m standing naked in front of him.”

Gillian was sure she’d be sick her voice accusing; “you!” was all she could spit out.

“Yes darling me. Also my name isn’t actually Vivienne, but you don’t need to hear all that. He did a good job of hiding you, you know it’s taken me almost two weeks of painstakingly careful planning to finally find you and get him to leave so that I could put my plan into action. Let me tell you a little story, get comfy Mr. gorgeous isn’t about to show up and save the day. You see I met the beautiful twins a long time ago, was sure I’d get Quinlan to love me... they don’t remember me from then, you see I looked a little different. I knew I had to change for them to fall in love with me, but when I walked back into their lives as Vivienne, Quinlan was already obsessed with Gabby. But I was truly okay with that, as you know Callan is anyway the hotter twin. I tried everything and I really do mean everything to get his attention, I was starting to think he might be gay. Twice I stripped in front of him, he didn’t even look and you know I happen to have a killer body. I was almost ready to give up and then you walked into his life and he practically drooled over you. Made me furious, what the hell do you have that I don’t?”

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