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Jungkook ran into Jimin's dorm room and closed the door behind him. 

"Jungkook what the-"

"JIMIN HELP ME!" Jungkook yelled cutting him off.

Jimin placed down his book. "What do you-"

"I THINK I MIGHT BE ASEXUAL!" Jungkook interrupted again.

"Why do-


"T.M.I!" Jimin yelled back covering his ears. Jimin rubbed his temples with a sigh. "Why are you asking me about this?"

"Because you're asexual... Help me understand why I can't have sex!" Jungkook groaned sinking to the floor.

Jimin blinked a few times as he took a deep breath. "What am I a sex therapist now?" He sat down across the room from Jungkook. "Why do you think you're asexual?"

"Because I can't have sex..." Jungkook muttered quietly.

Jimin inhaled quietly as he closed his eyes. "You know there is more to asexuality than that right?" Raising an eyebrow as Jungkook gave him a blank look. Jimin got up and grabbed a paper. Drawing a line through the center. "Alright, you see this?"

Jungkook nodded, still slightly confused. "It's a line."

"A spectrum." Jimin corrected, pointing at the left side of the paper. "Over here, is the allosexuals. The people who sleep with whoever they want whenever they want, have libidos blah blah blah." Jimin said moving to the right side of the paper. "Then, we have what most people think of with the term asexual." 

"People who can't have sex?" Jungkook questioned, knowing he said something off as Jimin took another deep breath. 

"It's not that they can't. Asexuality is different from abstinence or celibacy, it's not a choice. It's that sexual attraction is not there." Jimin went back to the right side of the paper. "Over here, would be people who are sex-repulsed and have no libido. They have no desire to partake in sex and do not have sexual attraction towards anyone." 

Jungkook poked his cheek with his tongue. "Then what's the space in between."

"Aaaaaaaaaaaalllllll this." Jimin said gesturing to the space of the paper in between the two ends. "Is grey. It could really mean anything, there are asexuals who still have sex-"

"Who would they do that?" Jungkook asked, not meaning to cut Jimin off. Although the older didn't seem as bothered about it this time.

Jimin clicked his tongue on the roof of his mouth. "Lot's of reasons. Some do it because they want to feel connected to their partners. Some people have libidos and will do things with themselves but not with other people. Some people are okay with sex as long as it's non-penitrative. Some don't start to feel sexual attraction until romantic attraction has already been established. And some people jump around the spectrum day by day."

"So..." Jungkook trailed off.

"Summary. Attraction does not equal action." Jimin explained. "So your issue with Taehyung..." He said looking back at Jungkook.

Jungkook wore a panicked expression as he remembered the original reason for sprinting to Jimin's dorm like a mad man. "Yeah... I... Can't sleep... With him-" Jungkook muttered awkwardly.

"Okay, firstly, break my best friend's heart and I'll come after you. He's my platonic soulmate." Jimin said sternly. "And secondly, define can't I should have been more clear on that word..."

Jungkook struggled to find his words. "I just... Can't." He sputtered and got a glare from Jimin. "I want to so bad, he's so amazing and patient with me and... I can't give back to him... I just freak out..."

"So... The attraction is there?" Jimin questioned carefully. Out of all things he was expecting today, having a talk about sex with his best friend's boyfriend, wasn't it. 

"Yeah. And I think I can do it and I go to do it and I... Panic... Like an idiot." Jungkook mumbled.

Jimin tilted his head. "Jungkook, the first day I met you, you had a panic attack after Taehyung hugged you. I don't think it's that far of a stretch to assume you wouldn't be comfortable with sex right away." He pointed out.

Jungkook poked his cheek with his tongue again. "Yeah... But I was making so much progress I thought I would be okay with it by now." 

"You still aren't comfortable with me or Hoseok touching you. And you barely let Namjoon or Jin touch you. I find it quite miraculous that you even made so much progress with him." Jimin hummed.

"I just want to show him I love him..." Jungkook whined burying his face in his hands. 

Jimin carefully inched closer to Jungkook. "Jungkook." He spoke softly, the younger only grumbling in return. "Jungkook, look at me." 

Jungkook raised his head. "I'm embarrassed I should have just kept talking to Winston..."

"You show Taehyung you love him every day," Jimin said. "Just by being there for him and trying. By taking him out with you to take photos. With your gestures, the little high fives you guys do all the time. And he knows."

Jungkook looked away again. "How do you know he knows?"

"You've got to be kidding me." Jimin laughed. "Taehyung doesn't shut up about you! He painted you and named it after the goddess of beauty. Taehyung is so whipped for you, do you know how many times he's blown off our study sessions to go with you to take pictures? Because the answer is a lot." 

"I just... Panic... I don't want to be like that... I mean it's so much to think about. Like oh god do I have to put my dick in him? Does he have to put his dick in me? We can't get pregnant so condom or no condom, because we don't have STDs. What if I smell like ass? What if Taehyung doesn't like what I sound like? Am I supposed to play with his nipples like I saw in porn? Because that seems weird-"

Jimin cut Jungkook off with another laugh. "Look, don't overthink it. Just let yourself feel comfortable, if you get yourself worried and worked up you're just asking for disaster. And I may not know what romantic attraction feels like. But if I ever wanted to have it, I'd want what you and Taehyung have. Because it's so obvious you love each other."


"Now go talk to him, instead of running away."


Ace representation with your grey-ace author WHOOOOO

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