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Jungkook paced back and forth as he looked out to the room full of people. Fuck, he was good at presenting before so why did this bug him now? Was it because this was his final and this grade would basically determine if he passed the class? Maybe...

Yet, that didn't weigh as heavy on his shoulders as the thought of what the project was about. Growth. Something he had spun around in his head all year. Showing growth... Showing an interpretation of growth...

It was personal...

More personal than any of his other projects.

It was now or never. He knew that as the teacher called his name. Walking out in front of a group of people to present his final portfolio. It was fine... He was JEON JUNGKOOK. Yeah, he overcame enough of his problems this year. Presenting in front of people should be easy.

Jungkook looked up and scanned the crowd of people. His eyes landed on a group near the back, his friends. Taehyung waving his hands around with an encouraging thumbs-up. Namjoon and Jin giving him bright smiles. Jimin wasn't as enthusiastic as Taehyung was but still supportive nonetheless. Hoseok was basically a glowing ball of positivity and motivation from his place in the back. Jungkook could still see his smile from the front of the podium. Even Yoongi had come, even though he knew the older had his own finals to deal with soon, evident by the bags under his eyes.

Taking a deep breath Jungkook finally began speaking. "For my interpretation of growth... I chose personal growth." Jungkook paused to fiddle with the remote for the presentation. "At the start of the school year, I was a really closed-off person. I didn't enjoy hanging out with people much or loud noises or crowds."

Jungkook looked over his shoulder at the first few pictures of his portfolio. Colorless and distant.

"At the start, I couldn't have cared how many people I got along with or if I enjoyed myself, so long as no one was in my space." Jungkook looked back up towards Taehyung, to see the slightly remorseful expression on his face. "Luckily for me... As much as I wanted to be alone, I wasn't alone."

Jungkook clicked to the next slide. Pictures, still distant, candid, everyone seeming far away from the perspective of the lense. "The start was rough, very rough, I won't lie. If you would have told me a year ago where I would be standing today, I would've won the lottery before believing what was laid out before me." Jungkook admitted, breaking eye contact with the audience once more. "I was stubborn, but so were they. I know a lot of people wouldn't try to put up with what happened, on either side really. But somehow, I stuck around. Even if I ran off at times, and struggled to speak my mind, something told me to stay. I'd like to think that, that part of me, was my will to improve myself and be a better person."

Jungkook clicked through a few more slides. "Truth be told, I hated being touched. I had lost the feelings and memories of what a tender hand felt like against my skin. I was quite repulsed by any human contact." He then showed a slide with a picture of him and Taehyung. The older's arm lazily draped over his shoulders, wide box smile and fingers help up in his signature 'V' pose. "So... How did I get to this?" He asked rhetorically.

"Well... It wasn't easy. And it wasn't an overnight process that's for sure..." Jungkook sighed as he recalled the memories. "However, he didn't give up on me, none of them did. They all had more faith in me than I had in myself. Thanks to their kindness, and patience, I made slow progress."

Jungkook took another deep breath, looking up at Taehyung for more reassurance, the older flashing him a smile. "Through a lot of work... Communication... And a whirlwind of managing my own feelings. I not only learned the fact that I am able to be loved, but how to love. So, I dedicate this portfolio to my boyfriend, Taehyung. Because he taught me not only how to love someone else, but to love myself as well."

Jungkook quickly bowed and scurried off the stage, letting the last few photos sit up on display for the audience to admire. He truly was proud of how far he had come. Confident none of it would have been possible without Taehyung.

Taehyung made him happy. He just knew Taehyung loved him. Everything he did just seeped love. 

Jungkook made his way to the back of the class as the next person prepared their portfolio. Jin squeezed him into a hug before he had time to protest. "I'm so proud of you you've come so far!" He quickly said before releasing the youngest, satisfied with the three seconds of Jungkook skin contact he got. 

Jungkook stepped back only to have another pair of arms embrace him, which would have been annoying if it had been any one of his other friends besides his boyfriend. Said boyfriend who was currently sobbing into his chest. "Are you okay?" Jungkook asked carefully as he patted Taehyung's head.

"You're so sweet, I love you so much! Seeing the slideshow and how much you've improved and how you learned to love yourself-" Taehyung then turned into a sputtering mess as he shook Jungkook uncontrollably. "I *sob* LOVE *sob* YOU *sob* SO *more sobbing* MUCH!"

Jungkook chuckled as he placed a hand on Taehyung's cheek. "Thank you... For being there for me."

Jimin clapped his hands together stealing the attention of the group. "Yes, we are all very proud of Jungkook, and yay for the normality of PDA and declarations of love. Now, how about lunch?"

"I would but I think Yoongi needs some sleep," Hoseok said pointing to the older who was resting his head on his shoulder.

Yoongi grumbled. "No- I'm perfectly functional... It's not like I've been up for the past week trying to make twelve new songs because my teacher is a bitch or anything-"

Jungkook laughed. "It's okay Hyung. I don't really want to do much anyway. You guys can go but I still have to stay for a bit. I appreciate you making time in your schedules for me though."

" I still think it requires at least a small form of celebration and you know what I think fits perfectly?" Taehyung asked, wiggling his eyebrows at Jungkook. "A high five." He said holding his hand up.

Jungkook chuckled. "Sure." He quickly touched his hand to Taehyung's before interlacing their fingers. 

"A high five will do..."


I've had this written for SO LONG- I didn't even realize I didn't have it published until someone was like "Are you going to finish Touch Starved?" and I was like "What? I thought I completed that already- OH FUCK-"

Anyway Hi, your dumbass of an author is back :D

I purple you guys and I hope you enjoyed the story. 

✔Touch Starved [Taekook]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora