60 Pt.1

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"Where's my purse?" Zoya frantically looked around. "Zaib, have you seen my purse? Did I leave it in the car?" She questioned her relaxed husband, who just pointed to her left hand, in which she held the purse.

It was graduation day. The pretentious spirit of the graduating class hung in the colourful air; streamers and balloons embellished the campus grounds. Exciting chatter and buzz engulfed the university, a legion of students' families being additional visitors at this ceremonious event. Most graduating students felt a burden slide off their shoulders-most.

Zoya, as she did in every salient event, was internally panicking. There was additional stress from the information she had just received that morning. For the sixth time that day, she had hyperventilated about something trivial- whether it was losing a belonging or her outfit not being right. Everything would've been fine on a regular day, but on this one, her cap was too tight, her lipstick was smudging and she had lost all her items.

In reality, none of that had happened, and she was fine. Adorned in a cream-coloured maxi, overlayed with her maroon graduation gown, she looked as pretty as a picture. Her matching maroon scarf and beige heels set off the look. Even the eye make-up she had been anxious about was perfect: blue eyes enhanced with dark eyeliner and mascara with nude lipstick to balance out the darker eye look. Zaib had almost fallen to his knees when she had walked down the stairs that morning.

However, now she was pacing about the corridor, family surrounding her, busy taking pictures with everyone. Her closer relatives were also in attendance, including her dearest cousin Amira who was now vlogging the entire occurrence.

"And here is today's star herself." She zoomed the camera lens on a fretful Zoya who raised her eyebrows. Threatened, Amira quickly turned the camera back to herself. "She's just paranoid cause she's finally getting out of med school, doctors I tell you, they're weird creatures."

"Well, Amira, I'm not exactly a doctor yet, still have to do my specialisation and-" Zoya was cut off by Zaib pulling her by the waist. "Relax a bit. Everything will be fine, Insha Allah. Let's take some pictures," he murmured soothingly, kissing her temple. Zoya relished in the feeling of warmth her husband radiated, and she felt much calmer suddenly.

Noticing Zaib's tie was a bit crooked, she reached out instinctively. As Zoya focused on adjusting his necktie, Zaib peered down upon her, observing her cute face scrunched up in concentration. Only when she looked up did she perceive their proximity. Instantly, it felt like it was only the two of them in the room. Their surroundings slowed and blacked out. They could only see each other, their soulmate.

Zaib's minty breath fanned her, causing her cheeks to redden as if they were matching her gown. "I wish I were home with you right now," Zaib whispered, "I have a sudden urge to have you all to myself." He grinned as she shyly fidgeted with her scarf. "I wish I could do the same," she bashfully replied, looking up at her beaming husband, returning his grin.

Simultaneously, Bilal turned the camera towards Zoya to take a picture; however, the couple had already been smiling at each other, eyes locked as if they were in their own, little world. "You guys are the cheesiest pair I've ever seen," Bilal grimaced at the sight of the two lovebirds making eyes at each other.

Amira guffawed, "You do know that one day you'll be just as whipped for a girl." She felt a bit of discomfort imagining Bilal with another girl. From adolescence, she had always liked Bilal but she was trying to move on ever since Zoya's wedding. A part of her still felt connected to him, so seeing him everywhere was not the best experience.

"As if!" Bilal retorted, "Every female I see is weird these days, no offence Zoya and Amira. I simply don't think I'll find the right person anytime soon." This statement surprised all of them, considering Bilal was pretty open to the idea of marriage just a few months ago.

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