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"You did such a great job with the Ray park project. I've been getting letters from the caretakers since all their problems were addressed and they all are really thankful."

Zaib remained smiling as Mr. Jenson praised him one after another. Everything aside and his boss's happiness with his work aside. Mr. Jenson himself was such an outstanding architect. All his comments and suggestions mattered a lot to Zaib.

"Ehsan helped quite a lot. He was the one who stood in random parks, noting down the problems after speaking to the children." Ehsan smiled in gratitude towards Zaib.

"Well done Ehsan."

After Mr. Jenson, the grey haired, lean man had left, Zaib and Ehsan sat back on the couch, sighing out of exhaustion. "Ehsan, pass me a drink," Zaib murmured, resting his head back on the seat comfortably.

Ehsan chuckled and stood, walking to the mini fridge beside Zaib's working desk. Opening the freezer, he saw the cans of seven up and brought out two. "I told you to keep Fanta! I don't like seven up," Ehsan mumbled as he opened the can with a scowl.

"Do you think I keep these for you?" Zaib replied, his words laced with sarcasm.

"Well, it'd be nice if you listened." Zaib chuckled in response and sipped, sighing in content at the sudden freshness the cold drink provided.

"Dude, I've gotta talk to you bout' something," Ehsan remarked, sitting next to him on the couch with his drink to his mouth.

"What's up?" Zaib questioned. "If it's work related, can it wait? I'm tired right now and don't have the energy—" Ehsan cut him off. "No you idiot. Basically, my parents are holding a feast where Naimat's family and our family merge and bond. I want you to be there with me." Ehsan explained, his brown eyes lit up in hope.

"Why'd you want me there?" Zaib inquired, narrowing his eyes at Ehsan.

"Well— it'll be fun! And you'll get to eat my mother's handmade lasagna." Ehsan chuckled.

"Are you really buying me over with lasagna?"

Ehsan nodded with a giddy smile.

"I'm in."


It was a wholesome Friday morning. The sky was a light-colored blue with rare magenta swirls. The air was cool and breezy, stroking the bodies like a light breath of freshness. Every day was the same except Jummah. Allah made this day more unique than the others.

"Ehsan, why're you in such a damn hurry today! Let me make my dua'a," Zaib groaned, complaining to the impatient Ehsan.

"Zaib, you can make dua'a on your way home. I have to prepare today. Naimat— I mean, my in-laws are going to be there," Ehsan struggled to form coherent sentences.

Zaib realized Ehsan's sudden urgency and began to chuckle as he finished his dua'a and stood to wear his slippers from the porch.

"Oh, Naimat's coming over today." Zaib teased while Ehsan ignored him completely. Both of the young men made their way back to Ehsan's house after the Friday prayer.

"As Salamu Alaykum," Zaib greeted Ehsan's mother who smiled widely in response and then darted right back into the kitchen preparing meals for the guests today.

The house was utterly chaotic. Ehsan's sister rushed from the kitchen to the bedroom with a mask of frustration worn on her face. While helping her mother, she grimaced over not knowing what to wear for the day. Ehsan's father was calling the guests and reconfirming their visit, Zaib's parents being one of them.

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