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The familiar ding of the doorbell rang at a very unfamiliar time. Zoya sat up from her bed in confusion.

Who would be here at this hour?

Zoya peeked outside her bedroom window, attempting to get a glance of who it was but it seemed like her father-the only other person awake in her house- had already let the person in as she heard the door open and shut. There was in-distinctive murmuring from downstairs and then she heard her dad's clear voice, "Zoya, come down here please!"

Why am I being called down? Is someone here to see me? Who would come to see me at this hour?

Quizzically, she managed to pull on the nearest scarf over her dark grey sweatshirt and black pajamas. Whoever was visiting was going to see her in her very comfy sleepy state and the idea of that wasn't very appealing to Zoya.

She slid into her slippers and put her phone on charge before proceeding to go downstairs. The murmuring got louder as she approached the living room and she held on to the door handle hesitantly.

What if it's bad news?

"Zoya!" She heard her dad call out again, so she hurriedly pulled down the door handle to reveal who was with her father at this time of the night.

Her jaw dropped. Literally.

All her previous questions faded when her eyes landed on a dishevelled looking Zaib sitting on the couch he had sat on when he came to see her for the proposal. His hair looked as if he had run his fingers through it multiple times with a few rebellious strands landing on his face. His eyes looked tired as if he hadn't got enough sleep. He was breathing heavier than usual as if he'd just ran. The second their eyes met he sprung up from his seat.

"Can I talk to her now?" He glanced at her dad for permission. "Zoya I'm gonna step out, if you need me just call." Her dad nodded and vacated the room.

Silence fell like a blanket on them and for a minute they just looked at each other, forgetting to lower their gazes in this case. Both their hearts disturbed, their states unkempt- the burden of liking each other settled on them.

"How are you?" They both let out simultaneously. Zaib's mouth twitched at the interaction, and he gestured towards her as a sign she should speak first.

"I don't think I'm fine to be honest but you have more of a reason to not be fine and you're here so tell me your thoughts."

Zaib's green eyes softened at her caring expression. He saw the worry in her gaze when she scanned him with her round orbs and he knew he wasn't the only one bothered by this ordeal. "I'm not good either. I'm here because my mind is unsettled."

"Does it feel like your heart is heavy and there's an emptiness?"

"It's more than that. It feels like I've chewed on to a stale piece of metal. There's no way you can understand what I'm trying to convey so easily if you haven't felt this yourself. These feelings are what led me here at this time." He broke into a sigh.

"You. I can't stop thinking about you." His sharp emerald eyes held her gaze firmly as if daring her to break eye-contact.

She gulped. Those eyes would be the death of her. Now in front of her, those orbs looked so passionate, a fire behind them ready to overpower them both.

"W-why do you think about me so much? I rejected your proposal," Zoya choked out. The fire burnt out as if executed by the waters of sad reality.

"I know," he muttered defeated. "I know you rejected me and I respect that decision fully. You must have your own reasons and rights for doing so. My only question is why? I hate my curiosity, but I- I need to know."

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