Chapter 3

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It was now Saturday. Blake had his party today and he was now 3 years old. The Cullen's are coming too. I haven't talked to Jasper since Tuesday, and it was killing me. I missed him, it scared me. I still sit next to him in class and work with him for our History Project, but other then that we barely speak.

I get up, take a shower and put on, a baby pink long sleeved crop top with some black high waisted jeans matched with black heeled boots. I don't usually wear pink but with parents coming over I had to dress somewhat decent. I went to the bathroom and brushed my hair while blow drying it. When I was done I put my hair into a French braid going into a low ponytail. It looked cut and I liked it.

For my makeup I put on mascara, natural colored eyeshadow with some pink lipstick.

I go downstairs and make Blake's favorite breakfast, it was banana pancakes, with strawberries, chocolate syrup, whipped cream with 3 cherries on top

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I go downstairs and make Blake's favorite breakfast, it was banana pancakes, with strawberries, chocolate syrup, whipped cream with 3 cherries on top. I grabbed a tray, made chocolate milks and sat it up on the table. I then quickly go upstairs and wake Blake up. When he opens his eyes I yell, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!"

He laughs and hugs me. "Your favorite breakfast is downstairs. C'mon." He laughs and we run downstairs. He beats me and sits on the chair and starts eating. I grab a fork and eat his pancakes with him. "So Aunty Bella and Papa Charlie are going to take you out. Mommy has to clean and work." He nods.

"But later we can hang out ok?" He nods and Bella comes downstairs and grabs some pancakes. She adds what she wants and starts then Charlie comes down and grabs a plate. Then he looks at me. "Your wearing pink?" He asks me in disbelief. "Yeah I have to dress sort of appropriately." He nods, "You look good." "Thank you." I say. He nods.

Once Blake was done eating I helped him in the shower. Once he was out I dressed him in a red shirt with some black jeans and some sneakers. I combed his hair and smiled. He brushed his teeth with me and we walked down the stairs. I hug Bella and Charlie then they leave with him. He couldn't be back till noon.

It was supposed to be cloudy but nice, no rain, and no sunshine. I got on my phone and called Alice. She answered on the first ring.

Be here 10 minutes.

No problem.

She hangs up then exactly 10 minutes later, Alice, Janis, Emmett, Edward, Rosalie, Esme, Carlisle and Jasper were here. They parked a ways away and then I let them in. "Hi I am Elina." I say to Dr. Cullen. "Carlisle. Nice to meet you." "You to, Dr. Cullen." "Carlisle hunny." I nod. "Ok so where are the decorations?!" Alice asks smiling and jumping up and down.

I shake my head, "In my room." I go upstairs and grab the 3 bags of decorations, then I come back downstairs. "Ok first we need the tables set up." We head out back and the boys get the tables set up. "Ok that one will be the one with the presents, that one with snacks, that one for the kids to eat on, then that one for adults." I say pointing to them.

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