CH 5

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Cry just a little more... Will you all???
Unedited again... Coz I didn't have mich time.

- Wan


We were planning to go to the beach to celebrate our eight months. But Gulf has not been contacting me for past three days. I wonder what is he doing right now. Maybe he's busy... nut wouldn't he at least text me if he was busy. Yeah... he would at least tell me that he's busy.

Or is he giving me silent treatment? Did I do something wrong? I don't drink until it's with him or Zee or Saint. People don't flock around me, so he should not be sulking over jealousy. Is he sick? But he was just fine when he was leaving for his family house. Did he fall sick after that? But he would at least send me a message, right? Wait...

His family house? HIS FAMILY HOUSE!

Maybe he's there. Did his step father make him stay for a while? I know his relations with his step-dad are not the best. He never liked him before and still doesn't. But every time Gulf describes him, I cannot help but feel that Caspian Channarong is only trying to fill for the spots of a mother and a father for him. When I see them together on news, the only thing Caspian's eyes speak are the sincerity and care he has for Gulf.

I think my boo is just too sad about losing both his parent to be noticing all those advances in the positive light.

Maybe I should try going to his mansion to find him. I hope he's there. Because if not, I would lose my mind. I already am losing it. Just... just don't want to lose it any further. I need to see my boo. My Gulf.


As I drove closer to the huge mansion, the guards opened the gates. I stopped as I thought that maybe someone expected was visiting them. As I was about to turn my car, a guard walked up to me and knocked at my window. I rolled it down and he said, "We have been waiting for you, Mr. Suppasit." I was confused like hell but kept a straight face. I nodded at him and drove inside the huge premises.

This place could qualify as a castle. Just upon entering, you can see the vast garden here. It has a renaissance style fountain in the middle. Beauty. And then there is the door to the castle's insides. I parked my Benz right in front of the door and held out the key to the guard to park it properly.

I was guided inside by an old-aged woman. She smiled at me and I smiled back. She looks Japanese by origin. "My name is Akaari. I am the head maid here for twenty years now. Please follow me," Akaari told me and I obeyed. She seems nice. She walked me past the corridors and hallways. I kept glancing around, just to see where my boo grew up. And now I know why Gulf loves spacious places so much.

Because he grew up in a place so grand. I have a mansion too. Mine is bigger in size in comparison to this one. But this place optically looks bigger because of the minimalist and spacious decorations. Where as mine, it is full of so many things. Photographs. Antiques. Statues. Paintings. Guns. My seven dogs. And so many people from the syndicate go and come to that place.

I halt my steps when I saw a huge painting of a familiar lady. Stella Kanawut. My boyfriend's other. I turned to face the beauty settled inside the frame and bowed to pay my respects. I've been to her grave with Gulf many times, he has showed me so many pictures of her. And how he always describes her, I think all these paintings and pictures, they do not do her beauty any justice.

Akaari noticed my halt and turned to me. She smiled upon seeing me admire the artwork, "Though I do not know you for long, but I can tell that you are a fine man of well manners. I can see that Young master Gulf has not made a mistake in choosing a man like yourself." Okay, her words made me blush. "Now, let's go, Master Channarong must be waiting," she said as she started walking again. And not wanting to get lost in this strange place, I followed her steps immediately after bowing at the painting for the last time.

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