CH 10

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Here it is! The FINAL CHAPTER of this story!!! 
(I jist republished it coz I forgot to add some images😅😅😅)

- Wannie



It's really happening! Mew and I are really getting married. And the day is today. He's standing in front of me at the altar. We're gazing into each other's souls. He has a tight hold on my hand, smiling from ear to ear. Our son is standing in between us, holding the cushion with our wedding rings. Our guests are a tiny bit more than what we had planned. 

Mild brought his boyfriend, Boat. He's finally introducing his secret boyfriend of two years to us. Akaari is sitting with a content smile on her face. She looks just as graceful as ever. And Zee and Saint brought their foster son, Ohm, with them. They're finalizing his adoption papers and he's already living with them. He's a cute child, a year younger than Fluke. They get along really well. And Mint is whining about her being the only one with failure in love department.

"I'll go first," Mew sighed nervously as he prepared himself to speak his vows. 

"Gulf, boo, if someone told in our university days that someday I'll have a son with you and even be marrying you, I would have mocked. Like, why would the prince charming want to be with someone so... such as me. Let alone marrying me. It's still too unreal for me to believe that we really are standing here, making our wedding vows," he had a constant smile on his face. And those tears that he was trying to hide, made me want to just hug him right away.

"I... I'm sorry to have misunderstood things six years ago. I promise I'll always talk to you first and then make a decision. Just because I was stupid, I ended up breaking my promise to you; our son lost five years with you. I- I promise to never be stupid again. I love you, Gulf Kanawut. I always did and I always will," he ended. I squeezed his hand in mine, comforting him a bit.

"Mew... shit! What was I supposed to say!?" I forgot my vows. "Emotional much, aren't we?" Mild scoffed from his seat. I glared at him, "Shut up! Ai'Hiaa!" I turned back to Mew who was now laughing. 

I smiled at him in fondness, "Okay... Mew. I've told you thousands of time how I fell in love with you all those years ago. I'm sorry that you had to raise Fluke on your own for five years. Stop blaming yourself. You acted on impulse. You were already going through a lot, then. I can't say 'I know how it feels'. I'll never say something like that. Because... you are you and I am me. We might understand each other but we'll never know how it exactly feels in each other's shoes."

He smiled at me as I kept on blabbering what came to my mind. I had totally forgot the huge essay I had prepared for him. Maybe I can give it to him as a letter on our first anniversary.

"But I think that if I was at your place, I myself would have done something like that. But please... bii, ignore me all you want. Get angry with me all you want. Doubt me all you want. Just don't ever leave me again, please. You don't know how it killed me to wake up without you for so many years. It was so painful to open my eyes every day and know that I won't get to hear your voice. So... please, do whatever but don't leave. I promise to stay with you and our son until my last breath."

Not waiting for anything, Mew pulled me towards him and claimed my lips. "Never. I'll never leave you. Not again. One time was enough for me to realize my mistake," he whispered to me. We slipped on the rings onto each other and I pecked his lips again.

 We slipped on the rings onto each other and I pecked his lips again

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