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We entered the living room. I dragged the killer here from his house. His blood was all over my hands.

I pushed him forward which made him fall on the ground but before he reached the ground Zo shot him.

I had an eye contact with Hanseo. His eyes were showing fear.

This is my real identity.....

I took Zo's gun and shot few glasses which made everyone startle.

“Killing my mother was one of the stupid move you ever did", Zo said.

My eyes were tearing up.

We'll give you two things, one a humiliation which is more painful then death and a slow death.....", I paused.

“I believe quick death is a blessing", Zo continued.

“Make sure to take care of this person. Don't try to bring us in the middle", I said pointing towards the murderer.

I don't know what was am I supposed to do. I was crying my eyes out also threatening those people. I was never a emotional type, I really don't know where this tears are coming from. Last time I cried like this was a decade ago, when I was rescued from my step mother.

Zo started to leave the place but stopped in the middle.

“I should atleast give you a preview", Zo said.

I eyed him and told him I will do that.

I walked near Jang Hanseok while wiping my tears as the blood on my hands was on my face now. I made him stand by pulling his collar. I looked into his eyes and without giving a second thought I slapped across his face.

I swear I wanted to do this from a long time.

I heard everyone gasped.

Jang Hanseok tilted his head and looked into my eyes. He was about to hit me but I dodged it and kicked on his stomach. He fell down on his butt.

I shoot his ear with the gun I took from Zo earlier and leaned towards him.

“THIS IS WHAT YOU DESERVE..... YOU CRAZY PSYCHOPATH", I stood up back and left the place.

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