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I sighed as I stared at the creased picture in my hand. It was the only picture I have of my dad. I never knew him. My mom ran away from him when she found out she was pregnant. I really wish she stayed.

She was abusive, in more ways than one. She'd leave me without food for days while she ate everything she wanted. She would make me wait on her as if I was her personal maid. She was always on drugs or drinking, sometimes both.

I stared at the picture hoping my dad would save me.

Suddenly I heard the sound of an SUV pull up. A large tattooed man stepped out of the driver seat. At first it was unclear who it was, than I looked at the photo. It was my dad!

"Who are you, little girl?" He asked. He snarled down at me as I stayed put, frozen on his doorstep.

"I- Uh..." I stuttered as I tried to find my words. Instead I shoved the picture at him.

He looked down at it curiously before turning it around. It had his name and the exact date it was taken.

"Where did you get this?" He growled.

"M- my mother." I looked down.

"And who might that be?" He asked. I could tell he was irritated.

"H- her name is Jolie." I said. I didn't dare look at him in the eye. I was afraid he would try and hit me for disrupting him.

"Look at me." He asked. I bit my lip nervously and slowly lifted my head. He squinted his eyes at me before sighing. "You're my daughter alright. Come on in." He gestured towards the front door. He unlocked it and let me in.

"Y- you believe me?" I asked surprised.

"You have the same eyes and facial structure as me. What's your name?" He asked as I followed him inside to an extravagant foyer. I didn't realize how big this house was.

"E- Emily."

"It's nine o'clock, you should get rest. Tomorrow I'll take you to the club, you'll meet your brothers." He said.

"Club?" I asked nervously.

"Oh right. I run a mafia and a bike club. If you don't want to be here anymore I understand, but nothing will happen to you, I promise." He said standing in front of me. He was so much taller than me. I am only 5' 1 and it is very obvious.

I had to admit I was a little scared, but At least it didn't smell like sex and smoke.

"W- what is your name?" I asked him.

"Logan, but just call me dad." He smiled warmly placing his hand on my shoulder. It was warm and comforting. I've never had a real parental figure and I hoped he could make up for it.

"Ok... dad." I smiled back.

"Alright, you can take a guest room." He said. "I'll show you." He lead me up a large stair case off to the right of the foyer. We went through a long hallway before stopping at a white door. "Here you go." He opened the door and I stepped in.

"Thank you." I nodded before closing it and admiring the room.

I set my one bag on a chair and changed into pajama shorts and a t-shirt. I laid down on the beautiful bed and slowly fell into a deep sleep.

I woke up to loud knocking on my door. "Emily? We are going to the club today." My dad said.

"O- ok I'll be there in a second." I said. I heard his footsteps fade and I quickly changed into random clothes I had shoved in my bag. After I was done I went to find my dad.

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