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It's been a week since Rogue left with the boys to find Lucian. I was worried on why it was taking so long until dad finally got a call. They had scouted out the place Lucian was being held at the first few days than today they were supposed to put the plan in action. They would be home tonight or early tomorrow if it went well, I was really hoping it would.

Bruiser went with them so dad had to watch the club as well as his mafia. I think Ethan was helping him though.

"Emily!" Darius called for me. I was in the room reserved for the president of the club. I was staying here while we were at the club.

"Yeah?" I asked. The door opened and Darius and Cerberus walked in.

"Lunch is ready." Cerberus said. "Cowboy made it."

"Ok." I nodded and watched them leave. I rushed my hair out than left the room to meet them. I was super hungry. All I've been doing is stressing. I'm so worried about losing the people I've learned to love in the last few months. I'm worried if they disappear I would be stuck in the same suffocating reality as before. Or I would be constantly on the run.

"You alright, Sweetheart?" Cowboy asked as I sat at the table. I nodded in response. He and everyone around knew I wasn't alright, no one was right now. Their president was missing. "I can promise that those boys won't leave without getting Alpha out. He will come back to us." Cowboy said. His tone was just as sad as everybody's. After they found out Lucian was gone and who the rat was, it became depressing in the clubhouse.

The rat turned out to be a guy who had been in the club for quite some time. He was Lucian's bouncer at the bar and now he was in the basement of dad's house. I didn't ask too much about that, but I assumed it was a fun place.

"Someone get me another fucking drink!" A man shouted at Cowboy. I learned that people who hung out at the clubhouse were called hang arounds. Lucian didn't really like non-club members hanging out at the clubhouse unless they were invited, apparently this man was.

"Shut the fuck up! No one is serving a self-centered douche!" Cerberus glared at the man. I think the man was either very intoxicated or just didn't care, because he stood up and sized Cerberus up.

Darius quickly shielded me in case something happened.

"Who invited the trash?" Cerberus looked around.

I heard quiet shuffling behind me and forgot Hannah and Vanessa had also been staying at the clubhouse. Dad thought it best since their houses were empty.

"I think we should leave." Hannah whispered behind me. They literally appeared out of no where.

"No it's fun." Vanessa whispered back. I turned my head and quickly moved to stand next to them.

"I'm scared." I whispered. Both girls chuckled.

"Cerberus is pretty on top of things. He won't let this man disrupt the club." Hannah said.

"I miss seeing Ghost do this." Vanessa pouted. Hannah was about to answer when a loud crash interrupted her.

"Get out! You are disrespecting Lykos property and need to leave. I will escort you myself otherwise." Cerberus got very close to the man's face. How did people sit through his tattoos.

"You are just one enforcer, what are you going to do?" The man threatened. Cerberus wasted no time in picking the man up by his neck and slamming his head into the nearby table. I winced. I knew how bad that hurts.

"I'm gonna go find doc." Hannah said than rushed off.

"Cerberus, enough." Dad shouted as he came into the room. "Escort the man out." Cerberus gripped the back of the man's neck and led him out.

"Stay the fuck away." He shouted out the door.

"Damnit you all are reckless." Dad shook his head. "Anyway, bruiser called. The plan succeeded, they should be home tonight." Dad announced. All the men in the club cheered, their prez was coming home.

I've been waiting by the window for what feels like hours. All the members were waiting at the bar or couches. We were expecting the two large vans to pull in at any second. I was ready to see Lucian again, my mate.

"Just got into town." Hex announced. He didn't go with them. He was more help here.

I perked up to watch for headlights. Every time I saw a car I got excited until I realized it wasn't them. It was too dark to see clearly. It was already nine.

Suddenly two pairs of headlights pulled into the driveway. Darius, dad, Cerberus, and Hex all got up to help the boys. I got up to make sure everyone was alright.

Zane got out first. He opened the back doors of a van and the two snipers stepped out as well as Ghost. Rogue stepped out of the second van. Rage was in the passenger seat and Bruiser in the back. I watched as Bruiser and Rage reached to help Lucian out of the van. He practically tripped out.

I could feel hot tears down my face as I watched the man I now loved struggle to breathe. Vanessa and Hannah both cried as well. He was their president too.

Rage and Bruiser helped him into his room. He looked well bandaged but doc would need to come in later to really fix him up.

I made my way to the bed and struggled to breathe myself. Lucian looked like he was stripped of any color in his skin.

"L- Lucian." I placed a hand on his cheek. It was warm as usual. I noticed a new scar from his temple to his cheekbone. If my mother was behind this she was about to be dead.

"Darling," Lucian managed to get out. He sat up slowly. "Shit I hate being weak." He swore. The men in the room shook their heads.

"You are not invincible Alpha." Ghost reminded him.

"Leave us alone." Lucian shooed them away. They reluctantly left. Rogue and Ghost hurried to find their own mates.

"W- What... I- I..." I didn't know what to say. My mate was sitting before me in pain.

"I'm alright, darling. I'm glad it wasn't you they caught." Lucian said. I squeezed my eyes shut to stop my tears.

"I was scared to lose you. Im still scared of her taking things away from me." I said. Lucian pulled me down to him.

"I'm alright, darling. She won't get to you. She had no way of getting you now. Her puppets are gone." He assured me. Im assuming her puppets are the men that took Lucian.

I didn't answer him, instead I enjoyed his very much missed warmth. He curled me up into him like I was the one missing for a week.

"I was afraid they would get to you while I was trapped. He thought scaring me would get me to tell him where you were. I never was more scared." Lucian confessed.

"D-did he hurt y-you bad?" My stutter decided to make an appearance.

"Nothing I haven't already felt." He answered. He snuggled into me. "I'm exhausted, please can we sleep?" Lucian asked.

"Ok." I nodded. Lucian laid back and get a tight grip on me. I hoped he didn't get any serious damage.

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