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After the apple store dad led us to a bunch more. There were so many candy and clothing shops.

There was one store that was right next to a bench where a girl was crying. I felt bad for her so I waited for the boys to disappear into a store before hurrying to sit next to her.

The girl looked up at me confused and scared. "Why are you sitting there?" She asked between sniffles.

"I- I saw you c- crying." I knew if I was crying I'd probably want someone to comfort me.

"Oh, it's no big deal, m- my boyfriend just accidentally squeezed my arm a little too hard." She showed me a large bruise on her wrist that didn't look like an accident. I've seen plenty of those.

"T- that doesn't look l- like and accident." I said. The girl let more tears slip.

"I know." She looked down at her hands in shame.

"D- do you want t- to come with me?" I asked. Maybe I could help her.

"No, my boyfriend will come back soon from the bathroom." She said. She seemed reluctant on staying though.

"I- I was abused t- to." I confessed. I hoped this would convince her to come with us. "My m- mom didn't like m- me much." I said. The girl gave me a sympathetic look. "B- but my dad s- saved me and n- now I have t- two big brothers!" I smiled. "S- so please come w- with me." I begged again.

"O- ok." The girl nodded. She still seemed hesitant but I really wanted to help her. I just hoped that Lucian or my brothers scared her off. They are pretty scary.

"W- what's your name?" I asked her.

"Josephine." She said. She had a really pretty name.

"I- I'm Emily." I smiled. The girl finally smiled back and wiped her tears. We both got up and I led her to the store my dad had went into. I was not shocked to find all four men waiting outside with very angry expressions.

"You can't just disappear, Emily!  This mall is a big place and anyone could take you." Dad warned.

"I- I know, but..." I gestured to the girl behind me. She was only a few inches taller than me but her features were sharper. "H- her name is J- Josephine." I introduced her. She did not wave or say anything, just looked at her feet like they were the most fascinating thing here.

"And why is she here?" Darius asked. He seemed not to care much about a new stranger.

"H- her boyfriend a- abuses her." I said. I could care less if they refused to take her at the house, I want to help her.

"And you want us to watch her?" Dad asked. I nodded. Dad seemed to think about. He never took his eyes off the girl. It was like he was trying to scan her for any lies. "Alright, I guess it's fine." Dad shrugged. Zane's eyes lit up when dad said that. Did he want her to come with us?

Josephine thanked him. She still was a little shy. I guess I would be nervous too if I was in her situation. Her boyfriend could show up at any minute.

Dad said we were done shopping and I was glad. I was starting to feel tired and there were more people than when we started.

"Why don't you and Josephine ride with me. Boys you're with Lucian." Dad said. I nodded. That was a good idea.

"I don't wanna ride with those fuckers." Lucian grumbled.

"You'll be fine." Dad rolled his eyes. He quickly opened the door for me and Josephine before Lucian could do anything about it.

"Oh, t- this is my d- dad, Logan." I introduced him fully. Josephine nodded silently to him.

"You can just call me Josie." Jose smiled.

"O- ok." I nodded.

The ride to the house was silent. Josie kept her head turned to the window, probably watching the beautiful houses we pass by. I was glad she agreed to come with us. I know bringing another girl with us will be more for the boys to watch, but I couldn't leave her with her boyfriend.

Eventually we pulled up to the house. Josie awed at the giant size of the house. It was pretty big and I was surprised when I first saw it too. I was very confused on why my mother decided to leave. She would be in heaven. She always complained about not having everything she needed. Which I guess designer items were a necessity for her.

"You'll see Emily's brothers and Lucian in there. They look scary but won't hurt you." Dad said. I nodded in agreement. Well Zane looked like he wanted to eat her alive, but I don't think that was what he was thinking.

Darius opened my door. "Getting out?" He asked.

"Y- yes." I sighed. Darius helped me out of the car than helped Josie. Though Zane helped her into the house. She did not seem too afraid of them, which I was glad. I'm more scared about Lucian though. My brothers were very tall and built, but Lucian was taller and had more muscle.

As if Lucian heard me talking about him, he walked up next to me. "Planning on joining them?" He raised a brow. I must have been standing in the same spot for longer than I though.

"S- sorry." I apologized. Lucian shook his head and lead me into the house. My brothers were already lounging on the couch, ready to watch a movie or something. Did we not have stuff to put away?

"Zane why don't you show Josie her room." Dad gestured up the stairs. I turned to Josie who was staring up at Lucian with confusion. Probably wondering how a man could be so tall. I wonder the same thing. Every man in the club that I have seen so far is very tall. Even at dad's warehouse. Everyone seemed to be on steroids or something.

"Ok." Zane stood up and led Josie away. While Lucian led me to the couch to sit.

"I call picking the movie first!" Darius shouted.

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