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It's been about a week since I've arrived at my dad's and Lucian has gone M.I.A. Dad said he knows where Lucian has been, but refuses to tell anyone.

All of the clothes I ordered had come and to say I was excited is an understatement.

Currently, however, I was laying in my bed wide awake. For some reason sleep won't come easily. I suppose that even though I'm in a safe environment my body still believes I'm not safe.

I laid still for about an hour before a loud thump came from downstairs. At first I thought it was my dad or brothers getting something from the kitchen. But I realized it couldn't be after I heard loud boot stomps. It would be pretty weird if they had boots on right now. A few minutes later I heard more boots than a muffled yelp. It made me slightly jump.

I carefully got up and grabbed the metal bat Darius had put in my closet for "emergencies". This was an emergency right?

I held the bat ready. If my dad wasn't going to wake up than I hope I'm strong enough to protect myself. I've never been able to before and now was my chance.

I slowly stepped down the hardwood stairs in my slippers. Each step making my heart pound faster. What if it was an actual intruder and I was about to be kidnapped or murdered?

I shook away my thoughts as I reached the bottom of the stairs. I peeked around the wall and immediately regretted it.

Three men were laying lifeless on the floor. A taller familiar man stood next to them holding a knife. It was too dark to see for sure who it was but I had an idea.

I took another stepped down and accidentally hit my bat against the wall. It wasn't very loud but loud enough for the man to look up confirming who it was.

"L- Lucian?" I whispered. His expression was blank as usual. His knife making a bad feeling rush through me.

Lucian didn't say anything, just walked towards me with his knife still in his hand. I stepped off the final stair and gripped my bat a little tighter. I hoped he wouldn't hurt me but everyone told me he's unstable mentally. I wasn't really sure what that meant but I gathered that he was capable of anything at anytime.

Lucian finally made it in front of me, But he wasn't looking at me. His eyes were focused on something behind me. I slowly turned around and saw another man with the same outfit at the three on the floor. Did they come for something?

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Lucian asked lowly. His voice was dark but quiet. He probably didn't want to wake up anyone.

"We were given orders to find this little lady." The man gestured towards me.

"By who?" Lucian asked. The man didn't answer this time. "Fine." Lucian let out a sigh as if he was annoyed. He stepped around me and towards the man who had a gun. What could Lucian do? I probably shouldn't ask that.

"L- Lucian..." I tried to warn him but he just gave me a look to shut up. I did immediately.

"You should listen to Emily. Just cooperate and I won't shoot you." The man held up his gun. Lucian didn't seem to care. Instead he threw his hand up and the gun flew across the room. Lucian grabbed the man's throat and pinned him against the wall, kind of like Shay.

"You will never have Emily. I don't know who sent you but I will find out." Lucian's voice was rising slightly. "For now I might just keep you in my lovely little basement. I'm sure I'll get some answers from there." Lucian's mouth tilted into an uneasy smile. I slowly backed away from him afraid. If he turned to me he could kill me.

"W- we don't have to go t- that far." The man laughed nervously. I would be too.

"Too late." Lucian took his knife and sunk it into the man's side. The man fell to the floor bleeding greatly from the wound. I had to quickly turn my head to avoid throwing up. As many wounds I have seen in my life, I hated stab wounds the most.

"Emily." Lucian finally acknowledged me. His knife no longer in his hands because it was currently in another man.

"W- why." I asked. He killed three men and injured one.

"They are here to kidnap you." Lucian said and stepped closer to me. "You shouldn't be seeing this." He quickly turned me away from the bodies. I shivered from his warm touch. As much as I wish my body was as much afraid of him as my brain is, It wishes for his warm touch.

"W- where have y- you been?" I asked.

"Watching." Lucian stated. Watching what?

"TV?" I asked. I guess he needed a break.

"No, darling. You." He chuckled deeply.

"M- me, why would y- you watch me?" I asked. He was acting strange.

"Because you're mine to protect." Lucian whispered. What did he mean?

"W- why." I asked. He completely ignored my question and pushed me up the stairs.

"Why are you up?" He asked.

"Couldn't sleep." I shrugged. Lucian placed a large hand on on my back. His tall frame intimidated me.

"Let's get you back upstairs now." He pushed me to my room gesturing me to lay on my bed. Of course I did.

Suddenly a thought went through my head. "Wait what are y- you going t- to do about the b- bodies?" I asked.

"Your dad will get them." Lucian shrugged. He was very nonchalant about this. "Please don't be afraid." Lucian looked at his hands. Surprisingly they were clean. No blood in sight

I looked at my own hands. Afraid? Maybe a little. I mean he just killed three people. But after what happened with Shay, dad explained what Lucian does with his spare time. So I've had some time to process it.

I think I've come to terms that this is who he is. As long as he doesn't kill people in the club or my dad's mafia, than he isn't that bad. I decided to stay even when I found out about the club and mafia. I got myself into this. So I will accept Lucian.

"I- I'm not." I said. My stutter never helps me in these situations.

"Don't lie." Lucian sighed. "I'll see you tomorrow." Lucian said and started to leave. But something inside me didn't want him too.

"Wait!" I called quietly. Lucian turned his head slightly. "C- can you stay?" I asked. His expression flashed with something unknown before he fully turned around.

"You don't want that." Lucian tried to fight with me.

"Yes I- I do." I sat up. I really did want him to stay here. He made me feel safe and at the moment I need that. Those men downstairs were probably from my mother, that scared me more than Lucian.

Lucian stood on the side of my bed and leaned over towards me. His eyes searching mine for the lie. He didn't find one.

"Alright fine." He gave in. He reached down and took off his shoes. His jacket came off next and he sat carefully on the end of my bed. It almost made me laugh.

"N- no, lay with m- me." I patted to the spot next to me. My father had made sure I got a king size bed because I'm a "princess".

"I don't think thats a good idea." Lucian shook his head.

"Please." I pouted. Lucian seemed to have an inner battle. "I- I mean you don't h- have too." I said. I had forgot that he might not like me. He doesn't seem to like very many people.

Lucian looked around my room before standing up and walking to the empty side. I smiled as he pulled the blankets back carefully to lay down. He seemed like he wasn't used to laying down in a bed.

After he lied down he just stared wide awake at the ceiling. His expression still blank.

"T- thank you." I said before turning over and closing my eyes. I could sleep easily with his warmth behind me. It was like my body knew I was safe with Lucian, even if he had just killed three people.

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