To All The Boys I've Hurt Before- Lee Felix

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"I want to break up."

Felix remembers her words well, and exactly how he felt at that moment. 

Like the world was ending.

"Wh-what?" He had stuttered. "Is something wrong? Why so suddenly!?"

She refused to meet his eyes. "Sick and tired. It's been two years, and I feel like I've wasted my time on you."


His eyes had filled with tears, he felt his heart breaking in two. "Did you think this through Y/n? Do you really feel that way?"

She had nodded, her face betraying no emotion. All the warmth Felix had seen in that bright face was now replaced with an ice cold gaze.

"Then think again!" He had begged. "We can spend some time away from each other, you can figure things out then! Do you really want this to go down the drain!?"

She had just rolled her eyes. "A break won't cut if Felix. I've thought it through pretty well, and I've decided it will never work out. We'll be separating anyway, we're graduating soon."

Felix had started crying now. "You said we'll figure it out! You promised you'll never leave my side! What happened Y/n? What did I do wrong?"

She just sighed. "Look, it's not your fault, but I just don't feel the same way. I stuck around because I felt loved, not because I loved you back. I never loved you, Felix, I was using you."

"No!" He yelled, tears streaming down. "I've seen it, you were going to tell me that day! The past two years, you can't pretend all those moments meant nothing!"

She had just scoffed. "You delusional boy, I was never going to say anything to you. I've realized that this was a mistake, so I'm trying to fix it. It'll be better if you just accept it and move on."

Felix shook his head, tears flowing down his cheeks. She was so happy yesterday, what had changed?

"But I love you." Was all he could bring out, his voice hoarse.

She had just shrugged as if his confession meant nothing. "I'm sorry, but I don't. I also hope it's clear that today will be the last time we'll be seeing each other. I hope you find someone who treats you well Felix, because I can't."

She didn't wait for his response. She just left him there, standing under the darkening clouds.

The last thing he remembered from that day, was the drizzle of rain, and the faint lingering scent of her perfume.


A year later, Felix woke up in his university dorm room, his body aching all over.

He didn't get a good night's sleep, since he was tossing and turning around. He ended up sleeping on his arm, which was now numb.

He rolled over onto his back, staring up at the ceiling, remembering his meeting with his friends last night.

"Yah Yongbok-ah, guess who I saw yesterday?" Hyunjin had whispered seriously.

"Who?" Felix had asked without much thought, pouring himself a drink.

"Minyoung, you're ex's old friend."

He had frozen, his glass overflowing. Hyunjin took the bottle out of his hand, before continuing.

"She said she was here to visit her grandparents, and she had got into the art university nearby with Y/n. She gave me her number too, saying we should all meet up."

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