I'm back- Hwang Hyunjin

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Hwang Hyunjin was your everything.

Your first friend, your first crush, your first love. You and the boy had been together since day one, and a single minute without him seemed like hell to you. You were always together, never seen apart. He was a part of you, and separating from him would be like ripping out your heart.

So when you were told Hyunjin had to move away for a year, you were heartbroken. The news had left the both of you in utter shock, physically breathless. Was it possible? A year without your second heart? Your twin flame? Your other half?

You were hurting. Hyunjin had always been your everything. You couldn't last a day without him. He was your spring, your field of flowers. He was your blanket on a winter night, your umbrella on a rainy day. Without him, your flowers would wither. No one could protect you from the shivering cold or the merciless rain. All you could do was pretend you were okay and paste a smile on your lifeless face.

But somehow you went on. Holding back tears as you waved him goodbye. He didn't bother putting on a fake smile, but let his tears flow. You still remembered how your heart ached when he hugged you for the last time. He was squeezing the life out of you, but you could only focus on how heavy you felt. Your bones weighed with sorrow and fear, your heart chained with the heaviest binds. Nevertheless, you hugged him back and waved him goodbye.

It would be a year before you saw him again.

"Thanks for letting me skip school Binnie, you don't know how much this means to me." You talked to your brother Changbin on the phone as I wait at the airport arrivals terminal.

"No problem kiddo, I know how much it means for you to see Hyunjin after such a long time. I'll cover for you at school. Oh, and tell him I said hi, and invite him over for dinner tonight okay?"

"Mhm~ bye bye, love you." You hummed.

"Love you too~"

Your relationship with your brother was much better than most siblings. Changbin wasn't one of those annoying older brothers, but a dependable, sweet, understanding one. He was like a third parent to you, listening to your worries and giving you advice that helped you hold on for so long.

As you hung up and pocketed your phone, You couldn't help but fiddle in excitement as you waited for Hyunjin to walk through those gates. It's been so long since you've seen him.

Sure, the two of you face timed literally every day, and still talked for hours on end, but it hurt that you couldn't see each other physically. You couldn't put our arms around each other while you talked on the phone, couldn't hug every morning like you did when you saw each other at school. You missed those hugs so damn much.

The thought of seeing Hyunjin again filled you with giddy joy. He'll be there for you now, and you'll be there for him. One day, when everything settles back into place, maybe you'll pluck up the courage, and tell him how much he really meant to you.

And Hyunjin had changed soo much. He had grown out his hair and dyed it blonde, began working out over his dancing, and even though it wasn't clear on camera, it seemed he had grown insanely tall.

As you jumped around nervously, your eyes never leaving the gate, you saw him.

He looked exactly like the pictures he sent you days ago, but the real thing was better.

Hyunjin had become godly.

His blonde hair framing his face, whose features had become much sharper. Even in a t-shirt and jeans, he looked like a model, his perfect figure accented by the dark colors. The way he walked was different, with more confidence than the lanky awkwardness he possessed a year ago.

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