You were beautiful- Kim Seungmin

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When Seungmin decided to visit his parent's house for the weekend, he did not know he'd end up doing chores the whole time.

After being guilt-tripped into mopping the living room floors and cleaning out the fridge, Seungmin's mom had dragged him into the attic, ordering him to clean out his old stuff.

"You left behind so much when you moved away." She had complained. "Throw away what you don't need, and take the rest with you."

Seungmin, being the dutiful son he was, had sat down on the dusty floor, and began going through the box with his name scribbled on.

The first thing he saw in it was his old baseball cap. Picking it up, Seungmin smiled as he remembered his days on the field, and how this cap had always brought him good luck.

Putting it on, Seungmin went through his things, each item reminding him of a fond memory from his childhood. His team shirt, his old glasses, his guitar pick collection from when he first started learning music, and finally, his old camera.

Seungmin picked up the dusty camera, examining it. He was pretty passionate about photography back in high school and carried this camera everywhere. He probably had his whole life recorded in it.

Putting it away to look at it later, Seungmin got back to work. After going through all his stuff and sorting them into neat piles, Seungmin dusted himself off and picked up the camera.

"Maybe, I can take a look at you with the old computer." He murmured to himself, taking out the memory card.

Pocketing the chip, he skipped down the stairs to his old study room, yelling to his mom that he was done cleaning up the attic on his way down.

Entering the room he hadn't seen in years, Seungmin was hit with a wave of nostalgia... and fine dust, since the room hadn't been cleaned since he left.

A small room, with just enough space for a bookshelf and a desk, Seungmin probably spent most of his time in the study room. With homework and playing games on the old PC, Seungmin preferred this room more than his own bedroom.

Seungmin sat down in front of his dusty setup, leaning back on his chair. His Pc still had the cat stickers one of his high school friend's had printed out. His drawers were still filled with old notebooks and CDs, and... the picture. Sitting on top of his belongings, lay an old polaroid of a couple, kissing in the sunset.

Seungmin's breath hitched.

It was her.

Slowly, he picked up the polaroid, taking a closer look at it. His heartbeat grew louder, as he stared at himself, in the arms of his first love.

They were beautiful.

Letting out a shaky breath, Seungmin put away the polaroid, not wanting to bring back painful memories. She was in the past, and thinking of someone so far away would only hurt him.

Why did he come here in the first place?

"The memory card, right." He murmured to himself, rummaging through his pockets.

Pulling out the small card, he put it into his computer without a second thought. The screen loaded for a moment before the file popped up. Seungmin guided his mouse, clicking on the file.

But wait, didn't you take pictures of her on this camera too?

Oh no.

But it was too late, before Seungmin could close the window, the pictures popped up, the very first one being a photo of her.

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