Jealous?- Bang Chan

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Chan, who has been your best friend since you were kids, invited you to have dinner with him that evening. You usually ate out together often, but this time, he was weirdly formal about it. His usual "You up for some hotpot tonight" had changed to "If you're free, would you like to grab dinner with me?"

Honestly, you had a crush on Chan. He had always been by your side, letting you rest your head on his shoulders, and your tears stain his shirt. He had seen you at your worst, and still chose to stick around. Every happy memory you had in my life was thanks to him. He was your everything.

It was impossible not to fall for that cute giggle, his big hugs, and the warmth behind his actions. Chan had caught a place deep inside your heart, and you know he would never come out.

So when he asked you out so shyly, you couldn't help but feel it was like a date. Even if you swore the two of you will always be friends, you couldn't deny that you dressed yourself up a bit for the 'special occasion'.

You were told you would be having a meal at the nearby Chinese restaurant, so you got into your car to drive yourself there. Chan had offered to pick you up, but you refused wholeheartedly, feeling flustered.

You didn't want to get the wrong idea and end up disappointed.

So when you entered the restaurant, you told yourself this would be no different from the countless times you ate with Chan. This was a simple meal, not a date.

But when you're eyes met his from the far corner of the room, things changed.

He had dressed up as well.

He had styled up his blonde hair, which went well with his black satin shirt and matching jeans. He smiled widely when he saw me, waving.

Smiling at how precious he was, you made your way towards him.

"You look gorgeous today." He commented as soon as you sat down.

You blushed furiously. "Er, thanks, you look good too."

"Why thank you." Chan giggles, his dimples on full display. "What do you want to have?"

I pick up the menu, blocking Chan on purpose. I couldn't bear to see his precious smile again.

"The hotpot seems really famous here," I murmured. "Looks delicious too."

"Then we'll have that with a couple of side dishes." He concluded. As he looked around for a waiter, a pretty waitress rushed to our table, ready to take our orders.

When I called her pretty, it was an understatement. She was small and petite, with short hair that went well with her uniform. She seemed quite skilled with her make-up too, giving her face a flawless and young vibe.

"Are you ready to order sir?" She giggled, looking at Chan. In return, Chan grinned widely at her.

So he likes what he sees.

"Yeah, we'll have the hotpot for the main menu." He smiled at her, his eyes sparkling. "And can you recommend what else is famous here?"

The waitress's face lit up even more. "Our chive dumplings are often ordered along with the hotpot. For our most famous dish, it would be the pecking duck or our braised pork balls in gravy."

"Well, what do you think tastes best?" Chan asked.

Were they flirting or something?

The waitress tucked a strand of her hair behind her hair. "I'd recommend the chive dumplings and braised pork."

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