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"What do you want Jimin?"

Jungkook turned and Jimin, who was literally breathing on his neck bumped into him.

"One session on free kicks and pass accuracy, please?", Jimin held his hands and smiled, "I'll treat you to Cosmos if you do help me."

"What is your coach getting paid for, if you're here pestering me?", Jungkook retorted and Jimin hid his gritted teeth behind a smile.

"Because you're the best!", Jimin squealed although cringing internally, "There's no one who could do it like you."

Jungkook rolled eyes and swatted Jimin's hands, "Sorry but no. I don't have time for that."



"Just once--"


Before Jimin could beg further Jungkook ran away.


"Yoongi?", Jungkook squinted eyes at the said man.

"Hey! As you know we share the same class for Economics and you did pretty well in the last test, would you please tutor me?", with utter pain Yoongi managed to speak.

"Excuse me, what?"

"Uh I mean, I couldn't understand a particular topic, would you mind explaining?", Yoongi prayed to God of heavens for Jungkook to agree.

"Oh that, the guy who got the highest score is my friend. I'll refer you to him. He'd definitely clear your doubts.", Jungkook smiled.

"Oh.. Okay..", Yoongi sighed, "Thanks."

"No worries dude.". Jungkook said before walking away.


"Y/N, come here!", Sasha yelled from somewhere and you padded outside your room to find her hiding behind a door.

"Look there!", she pointed towards the glassless window on the opposite side. You looked over to see a boy climbing in from the window and typing on his phone.

You rolled eyes, "Sash, this is not the first time we've witnessed this. Boys often come here, what's getting you so excited?"

Sasha sighed, "I wonder how would sneaking  around feel..."

You looked your roommate in disbelief, "Thank God, Hoseok is older than you or I wouldn't know what scenes you'd rope him into if he was in the uni."

She scoffed, "Yeah right too mature for me."

"Hey, you met Hoseok  before I got enrolled into the dorm right?", you asked.

"Yeah, my previous roommate had to drop out of the uni for some reason so you got the vacant spot on applying.", Sasha recalled, "Well, for us, I met Hoseok coincidentally, of course all the soulmates meet that way."

You both walked back your shared room as she continued, "I collided with him when I was submitting the form of my subjects to the department head. He had came to the office to submit his brother's list."

"Hoseok has a brother?", you sat on her bed and pulled her beside you, "Same department as yours?"



"You want me to introduce you to him?", Sasha smiled smugly and you groaned.

"No thanks. I'm about to meet my soulmate."

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