A Secret is Revealed

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~Why's Bagul gotta be so fine? (〇_o)New chapter of the other story is up as well.


The day went by slowly. Techno and Dream worked on the café in silence; as much silence as building a café could give you.

"What happened earlier?" Techno asks as they walk back to their temporary house. 

"What do you mean?" Dream asks. "You mean what happened with Tommy?"

"No. You seemed... I don't know... out of it." Techno says.

"Oh..." Dream thinks for a moment. "I don't know. My brain just kind of went... fuzzy? Like- I don't know. It was weird. Like I didn't have any thoughts, like it wasn't anxiety or panic, it was like I had no thoughts, there was like, nothing. It was scary."

"Did you notice that Tommy had walked away?" Techno says.

"I didn't know anything was happening from when you stepped between us and when we we're already building." Dream says, looking up at Techno.

"You said 'sorry' as he was walking away." Techno says.

"I have no recollection of that." Dream says as they reach the front door.

"Weird." Techno trails off, opening the door and seeing Ghostbur curled up on the floor in a pool of blue. "Ghostbur?" Techno asks, cautiously.

"Ahh-" Ghostbur yelps.

"Hey- It's okay. What's going on?" Techno asks, walking over and crouching in front of the ghost.

"They- they're-they're... They're- they're- they're-" Ghostbur tries to say.

"Hey... Shh... Take a breath, calm yourself." Techno says.

"I- They- I- They were- I-" Ghostbur tries to say.

"Shh..." Techno shushes the ghost.

Ghostbur wraps his arms around Techno and buries his face in Techno's chest, trying his best not to go through him.

Dream walks over and kneels on the floor beside the two brothers, putting his hand on the ghost's back. 

"Can I talk to you in a bit." Dream whispers to Techno.

"Yeah." Techno replies.

All three of them sit on the floor for a long while as Ghostbur calms down.

"They threatened to put me- me in jail if I didn't stop bothering them." Ghostbur says.

"Who?" Techno asks, getting protective.

"The peo-people- people working on the prison." Ghostbur says, looking up at Techno from where his head was still on, and slightly in, his chest. (#ghosttings)

"Who was working on the prison?" Techno asks.

"I-I don't remember." Ghostbur says, pulling back from Techno causing Dream's hand to go completely through him.

Dream shivers, feeling the cold insides of the ghost.

"I'll find out." Techno says, standing up.

"Sorry for making a mess." Ghostbur says, running his ghostly fingers through the blue puddle beneath him.

"It's fine. It's not my house." Techno says, starting to walk towards the front door.

"Wait- Techno." Dream says, getting up and walking over to him.

"What?" Techno asks, grabbing an ax (it can be spelled as either axe or ax).

"I need to tell you something." Dream says, grabbing Techno's wrist and pulling his face closer to his. "I have the ability to bring people back to life." He whispers into Techno's ear.

"You what?!" Techno says. "Then bring-"

"Hold on." Dream says. "Listen. Bringing Wilbur back would mean killing Ghostbur. I don't know if Ghostbur would be okay with dying." Dream says. "He was really interested in coming back right after the fact but he's used to living as Ghostbur now..."

"Then why bring it up?" Techno asks.

"I thought you should know. I can run it past Ghostbur and see if he's interested." Dream says.

"Yes. Tell him." Techno says.

"Okay." Dream says.

"Are you two going to kiss already or just keep whispering in each others faces?" Ghostbur asks from his spot on the floor.

"Goodbye, be safe." Dream says before moving his mask to the side, kissing Techno on the cheek.

"I- bye." Techno says, walking out the front door on a quest of revenge.


"What were you two talking about?" Ghostbur asks as Dream sits back down on the floor.

"Umm... I have something to tell you, Ghostbur." Dream says. "I want you to stay calm when I tell you. Can you do that?"

"Yes." Ghostbur says.

"Okay... I have the ability to bring people back to life." Dream says.

Ghostbur looks at Dream with pure shock on his face. "Really?" He asks in no more than a whisper.

"Yes. But-"

"Bring me back. I-I miss hugs. I miss being helpful." Ghostbur says, moving closer to Dream.

"Listen." Dream says to which Ghostbur nods eagerly. "Bringing Wilbur back means killing you. You will be no more."

"Well..." Ghostbur says. "Will it hurt?"

"It shouldn't." Dream says. "But there will be no more Ghostbur. I don't know if the things you've learned will still be known by Wilbur. I've also never done it before so I don't know if it'll work how if you'll be able to come back if it doesn't."

"I- I don't know..." Ghostbur says.

"You don't have to make a decision now, or ever if you don't want to." Dream says. "I just thought you should know."

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Ghostbur asks.

"I was very unsure if it would be real or not. I'm still not sure, but I'm willing to try if you are. Only if you are completely willing." 



"Who all was working on the new prison today?" Techno asks, catching Tubbo off guard.

"Ahh-" Tubbo yelps, turning to see a tall, vengeful, man holding an ax on his shoulder. He seemed even taller than usual with the way he was standing. "Uh- umm..." Tubbo thinks for a bit.

Techno stands there, waiting for an answer.

"I think that Karl, Quackity, Puffy- wait. They're all still working over there." Tubbo says.

"Thank you." Techno says starting to walk past Tubbo and towards the new prison.

"I'm going to have to ask you not to kill anyone." Tubbo says.

"No promises." Techno says, continuing onto the prison.


~Gay Moose. I painted it myself *flips hair over shoulder*

 I painted it myself *flips hair over shoulder*

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Anyways. Hope you enjoyed. Still am not proofreading. TTFN Ta ta for now my lovies :)

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