The Start of a Journey

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~I hyper extended my knee on Saturday •_• not very fun ngl. I still went to the state fair and it was fun until the end when my knee started hurting. Anyways...


"I'm tired." Dream says in to Techno's neck where his face was currently buried. They had been having a group hug for a good ten minutes, maybe more, out in the cold.

"Then let's get you to bed." Techno says.

Dream feels Toua's arm unwrap from around him, her removed warmth leaving his back very cold. He starts to pull back from Techno, about to stand up when the piglin hybrid pulls him closer and starts to stand up, holding Dream on his hip.

Techno motions with his head for Toua to go through the still open door first. She does, closing the door behind the others after they come in.

Techno carries Dream over to their bed (it's their bed now ^}^) and sets his feet on the floor.

"Nope." Techno says, keeping Dream from sitting down.

"Why?" Dream asks in a tired voice.

"You have snow all over you, I'm not letting on the bed like that. You're lucky I let you stand that close to it." Techno says, going over to the wardrobe and grabbing some clothes for Dream.

When he turns back around he sees that Dream is only in his underwear. He pauses for a second before continuing over to the other, setting the clothes in the bed before grabbing Dream's hips and connecting their lips in a quick yet aggressive kiss.

"Mmm!" Dream mumbles in surprise before kissing back, only to have Techno pull away almost immediately after.

"Put some clothes on, I'm going to see how we can procure Toua some new clothes." Techno says, walking out of the bedroom and over to Toua's bedroom.

"Hey." Toua says, looking up from where she was rearranging pillows, when did she get so many? (I literally sleep with 8 pillows and one giant teddy bear named Wolf. He's cool as heck.)

"Hey, so umm about clothes. I don't really have anything for you to... are those some of my pants?" Techno asks, seeing the oddly familiar dark brown sweatpants the younger hybrid was wearing.

"Yeah. I cut them shorter and cuffed them. Pulled in the waist a bit, too." Toua says, looking down at the pants and kicking one leg out to show the bottom of them.

"Okay..." Techno says. "Well I was thinking we could, all three of us, could go into L'Manburg or some nearby village to see if they have any clothes that are to your liking."

"Okay." Toua says, sitting on the bed, having gotten the pillows into a sufficient arrangement.

"Okay..." Techno says. "I'm going to throw some food together if you want some before you go to sleep."

"Okay." Toua says, standing back up and walking after the older hybrid.

"Is that my shirt, too?" Techno asks, noticing the light blue shirt that the youngling wore.

"Yeah." Toua says.

"When'd you get all this," Techno asks, opening the fridge as the younger jumps up on the island.

"Once my room was done being built." Toua says, tail whipping around, clearly liking the comfortable small talk.

Techno nods, continuing to get some water boiling to make some pasta with cheese and meat.


"Alright. This is going to be a long walk. About twenty hour hours by my calculations." Techno says, as the three of them sit at the kitchen table, eating leftovers from last night for breakfast.

"Yeah. It's not that bad. You'll probably be fine." Dream says, once again, talking with food in his mouth which gains him a side eye from Techno.

"Are there a lot of people in L'Manburg?" Toua asks, voice gaining a high pitch than usual.

"Umm... there are the three you've met, Tubbo, the president, Quackity, Karl, Jack, Fundy, Philza... Eret is the king of the greater SMP where a lot of people live but I don't think we'll run into them while we're there." Dream says, still talking with food in his mouth, still gaining him a glare from Techno. "There are other people but you won't see them." He adds, remembering the imprisoned.

"Okay." Toua says, tail tightly holding the chair leg and right ear going backwards.

"You don't have to talk to anyone, I'll make sure of it." Techno says, not looking at either of the other two, suddenly finding the window and what was out side of it very interesting. (Fathernoblade moment pog?)

"Thank you." Toua says quietly.

Techno doesn't say anything, just keeps looking out of the window, leaving Dream to look between the two hybrid's, the younger of the two looking intently at her plate of air. He suddenly feels how Ghostbur must've felt when he was with he and Techno, constantly dying of cuteness overload.

"Well we should get going, don't want to waste time." Techno says, standing and taking the three plates over to the sink, the forks included, and starting to wash them.

"He's not very good at verbal affection." Dream whispers, leaning over to the youngest. "Or physical." He adds, causing the cat hybrid to smile lightly.

"I'm great at verbal and physical affection what are you talking about?" Techno asks in a jokingly 'are you kidding me?' tone of voice.

"See." Dream says.

"Just go get some stuff to take with us while we walk." Techno says.

"Eye eye captain anit-social." Dream says.

"Fuck you." Techno says.

"Watch your mouth, Techno. There is a child present." Dream says, covering where Toua's ears would be if she were human, before moving them up to cover her actual ears, causing her tail to wrap, quite tightly, around his thigh.

He removes his hands and holds the part of his leg that now hurt. "Ow." He says in a joking manner.

"I could feel a hiss coming so your luckily you removed your hands when you did." Toua says in a monotone voice.


~keep in mind that Techno and them don't know about the festival/get together thing that's going to happen in the very near future ;} anyways... ever since that AJR concert I've been happier than ever and that's amazing because I haven't been this happy in who knows how long.

Remember ~Dreamnoblade~ pt1Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя