How in the Everloving Hell?

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~so I wrote the majority of this in school... most of that part being in a notebook paper in my last class of the day... so... Anyways! TW->blood, drinking of blood.

"I don't know, I've never had something like that happen before." Toua says. She was sitting on the couch while Dream was sitting on the floor not really understanding what was happening, while Techno stood in front of her, asking her questions; interrogating her. "Heck, I could barely hear them." She adds.

"You could barely hear them?" Techno asks.

"They we're less than a whisper." Toua says. "They sounded like they might be my own thoughts but then I saw the look in your eyes and I knew that they weren't my thoughts."

"They sounded likeyourthoughts... Theysoundedlikeyour... How much did you hear?" Techno asks, the first part being whispered under his breath.

"I think I heard the whole thing but I could only make out the part about 'her being possessed' and then they stared going on about blood." Toua says, being slightly uncomfortable with all the attention being on her.

"Okay... that- did you..." Techno trails off, hoping she didn't hear that one part.

"That they thought me drinking my blood was cool? Yeah." Toua says, smiling slightly at the look on Techno's face.

"Alright." Techno says, starting to pace, purposefully bringing himself further away from the cat hybrid.

"Can I ask a question?" Dream asks, breaking his long silence.

Techno nods, not realizing how Toua looks at him for an answer.

"What happened?" Dream asks, having been lost the whole time.

"Oh... uh- well umm... My voices started acting up, as they usually do in situations like this, and then I guess Toua looked into my eyes, or something and then she was able to hear them, too." Techno says, glancing at the cat hybrid several times throughout his explanation.

"Wait- what?" Dream asks.

"She was able to hear my voices." Techno says.

"How?!" Dream asks, louder than he'd intended to, making both hybrids' ears to twitch.

"That's what we're trying to figure out." Techno says.

"Oh... I'm a little lost." Dream says jokingly.

No one says anything for a long while, all of them thinking.


"Should we go down there?" Tubbo asks. All three of them were looking down into the somewhat deep pit that had previously tried to swallow Tommy.

"I'm not going." Tommy says, taking a step back. "I've already been in there."

"You we're not in there. Okay, maybe you were technically in there, but you never looked around, or even touched the ground." Tubbo says.

"Doesn't matter. I'm not going." Tommy says, crossing his arms across his chest.

"What if we got a ladder?" Ranboo suggests. "I don't think I'd go down there without a ladder.

"Where are we going to get a ladder?" Tubbo asks.

"Wasn't there one at the prison when they were building it?" Ranboo asks.

"Yeah, but who knows where it is now." Tubbo says, a hint of sadness in his voice.

"Probably with the rest of the construction stuff." Tommy says. "Shouldn't you know where stuff is?"

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