"He's too young..."

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~part 100 baby let's go!!!!!! I thought about doing something special for this part but we're kind of in the middle of something important in the story sooooooooo... that's not going to happen but who really cares you know? I'm so happy I could get to this point with this story, like no matter how many people would have read this I would've still kept it going forever and I still will this is by no means what so ever the last part. Not will any part ever be the last part. (Partly because I don't know how to end a story but also because I like this story and I like keeping it going and coming up with new ideas) so I'm glad you all like it so much, it makes me happy to see how well this has been received. Love you my lovlies now on to the actual story!!!! <3 sorry the title is sus but... it'll make sense if you read it.


As Dream and Karl carry George and Sapnap, Toua walks with the wolf hybrid, and Jack helps Sam walk. The wolf hybrid had woken up not to long after Dream and Toua had gotten back and at that time he had his hands tied behind his back and his feet tied a distance apart that was suitable for walking but not running. Sam was left untied, given his inability to walk other wise.

Both Phil and Tommy had gone back into the infirmary to check on Ranboo.

They walk past the new crater. Wilbur's body had been removed after the alive people had been removed.

"How old is he?" Karl asks, referring to the wolf hybrid.

"Ten." Toua says, ears going back as she says it, and the other youngling growling back at her.

Karl takes a deep breath, seeming not to like the thing he was about to say. "He can't be put in a max security cell... he's actually too young to be in this prison..."

"But he did just as much as we did!" Sam yells, partially cutting Karl off.

"I'm sorry... it's the rules... we can keep him in a secure house, but he's too young to be in prison." Karl says.

"Can't you make some kind of exception for this?" Dream asks, not liking that this random kid who was clearly very in on this plan was getting off almost scot free.

"We can have a court hearing for him... but that's about all I can do regarding this situation." Karl says. "You'd have to address Tubbo about this. I don't have the kind of power to change the rules."

"Ugh." Dream complains. "Then what do we do in the mean time because the president isn't really up to..."

"You're the leader of the SMP. You have a say in this don't you?" Toua asks.

"I'M THE LEADER OF THIS SMP! I HAVE A SAY IN THIS!" Dream says, realization coursing through his veins.

"You'd still have to talk to both Eret and Tubbo if you're getting involved since it's within L'Manburg territory..." Karl says. "Those are the rules you set..."

"Fuck..." Dream groans in frustration. "Well then what do we do with him in the mean time?"

"Like I said... we can keep him in a secure house, although he can't live alone... He can move in with someone and then be put on house arrest until this is sorted out." Karl says, as they near the prison.

"Where? Who would take in scum like him?" Toua says through her teeth in a spiteful tone right in the hybrid's ear.

"Fuck you." He says in return, going to spit in her face before she turns his face away.

"Do you you know him?" Dream asks as Karl starts leading them through the prison, having put covers over the conscious's (sams) eyes so he wouldn't know the way out.

Toua doesn't say anything, choosing not to answer as her ears go back and her face twitches.

"If you won't tell him then I will, you rude bitch." The wolf says, the last part being whispered so only Toua could hear. "Hi, I'm Davin and the two of us go way ba-"

"I didn't ask you." Dream says, having stopped and gotten right up in Davin's face while he wasn't paying attention.

"Get out of my face, smiley." Davin says, sounding awfully confident for someone who couldn't run away and or fight back. (Fuckin bitch only Techno is aloud to call Dream smiley!)

Suddenly Toua has a knife and it's against Davin's throat. The youngling sure does seem a lot less brave now.

"Where did you- not important. Don't kill him." Dream says, starting to walk away and starting to follow Karl, who has a concerned and shocked look on his face.


"So you did know him?" Dream asks in a quiet voice as he and Toua walk back to the castle's infirmary, having left Davin the the hands of Karl and Jack for the time being.

Toua nods.

"That makes sense... and explains the way you reacted to him running away." Dream says with a slight chuckle. "Is he the one who..."

Toua nods again.

"Okay..." Dream trails off.

As they get closer to the infirmary they hear yelling.

"Can you tell what they're saying?" Dream asks, having stopped, hoping Toua's cat hearing could make out what the two voices were saying.

"No. It's too loud. It's Techno and some other guy though." She says.

"Frick." Dream says, censoring his curse even though it didn't matter and starting to run towards the infirmary.

Once Dream has a split second to see who the other person is he runs in.

He flies over the bed Techno's on and tackles Phil who's on the opposite side, almost causing the old man to slam back into the bed behind him. (You know that one memeulous video of court cams and that one guy who dives and tackles someone... that's what I'm picturing, just more graceful)

"What the fuck?!" Tommy yells. "Phil- you- Tech- what's going on?"

"You've been standing there this whole time. How do you not know what's going on?" Techno asks in a dark tone, glaring at the teen. This is when he sees Toua standing at the side of his bed, making him jump at the sudden and quiet appearance of her.

She doesn't react, just stands there as Dream and Phil continue wrestling.

"Get off of me." Phil says.

"Well I know what's happening, I just don't understand. Why, Phil?" Tommy asks.

"Not until- you- die!" Dream says, wishing he had Toua's knife right now.

"Let him go, Dream." Techno says, sounding exasperated. (Golden retriever Dream going over board again)

"Fine." Dream says, standing up and brushing his pants off.

"Phil, why?" Tommy asks again.

"I said why." Phil says, groaning in pain as his old man bones ache from the hard hit.


~guys I'm going to be Technoblade for Halloween!!!!!! And then I can use the stuff for cosplay!!!!!! I'm so excited!!!!!!! I'll obviously show y'all the costume when I get it and put it on <3 anyways... no justice against the bitch of a wolf hybrid yet... sorry about that... also more Techno and Phil drama? other wise. I hope you enjoyed :)

Remember ~Dreamnoblade~ pt1Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum