Mine? (Asmodeus)

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"Ah shit."

Your favourite nail polish had just ran out. It was the only colour that you couldn't get from Asmo or any of the other brothers.

You leaned back in your chair and sighed. Going to the store didn't sound very good, but walking around with a total of three and a half painted nails sounded worse. You decided to be nice and go to the brothers to ask if there was anything they needed.

Mammon said money, you said you wouldn't give him any. Levi asked for his favourite drink which he just ran out of, you said you would bring him some.
Asmo gave you a whole list of beauty supplies.

"If you could get me a few of these, I'd pay for it in something else than money?" He said it as if it was a question. You shook your head, but told him you'd look into it anyway.

You took the quick trip to the store. Well, quick is an understatement. It took you two hours to get all of Asmo's stuff and your own.
When you came back to the House of Lamentation, you dropped everyone's stuff before going to Asmo's room.

You barged in without knocking, finding Asmo in a surprisingly not revealing hoodie and jeans. You were a bit surprised that he didn't do anything weird.

"Here is your stuff." You said as you dropped the total of five bags full of stuff on the ground.

He looked up from his D.D.D and jumped up. He smiled and embraced you a bit more forceful than was healthy.

"A- Asmo. Ple- please, I can't b-breath."

"Oh, sorry dear. I'm just very grateful that you actually got my stuff."

"Of course I got your stuff. If I get everyone else, I also have to get yours."

Asmo smiled.
"Would you like to come to my room later? I'd like to try some of this stuff with you darling~"

You smiled as well, nodding in agreement. You guys agreed to meet after dinner so you would still have some time to do the homework you were behind with.

Dinner went by without incidents for the first time in quite a while. After had you done your chores, you went to your room to get some of your stuff before going to Asmo's.

You knocked this time and Asmo opened the door with a big smile on his face. He welcomed you and together you checked out all the things that you had bought.

After spitting through, Asmo found a certain face mask that he wanted to try. While applying it, he started the usual Asmo talk.

"Soooo. How was your love life back in the human world?"

Any other person you would have ignored, but not Asmo.

"Honestly? I was kind of a lone wolf. I had friends, a few at least. Nobody ever really like me, I guess. I became a bit of a shut-in like Levi, too awkward, or scared whatever you want to call it, to make new friends."

"Ahh come on, I don't believe someone a good-looking, for a human, as you would be a lone wolf."

You chuckled.
"It's true, Asmo. I had a total of one crush which I pushed away, because I was too scared."

He stared at you for a second.

"You want to tell me that you never kissed someone with those pretty lips of yours?"


He softened his expression and smirked.
"I could change that."

You were a bit caught of guard. He made a lot of comments like this, but this one had a serious undertone that just hit a bit different.

He had already been close to you, applying the face mask, but it was only now you realized how close he actually was. Or that he was moving closer, slowly but surely.

As you could feel his breath on your lips, he whispered.
"Just for research purposes, you know. Doesn't have to mean anything."

You hated how his words sounded tempting. It wasn't like you were saving your first kiss for the perfect person, but you also didn't want to just do it with anyone.

But Asmo isn't just anyone.

That was it, you took initiative and closed the last distance between you two.

Asmo immediately took dominance, but not in a hard way. It was a guiding dominance. He kissed you softly and allowed you to savor every bit of it. The feeling, the tension, the taste, everything he gave to you.

You pulled back, took a breath and moved back in with more confidence. You already forgot about the face masks and beauty products. For now the only beauty, was this new sparkling experience.
Asmo took you new found confidence as a challenge and deepened the kiss. He tasted sweet, very sweet. It was almost overwhelming, but mostly addicting. You lost track of time.

At some point Asmo pulled back. Apparently you looked a bit sad, because he said: "Darling, if you'd do that any longer, I wouldn't be able to hold myself from things you aren't ready for."

You nodded in understanding. Then something popped into your mind.


"Yes darling?"

"Would you... Would you want to be mine? Please?"

He looked at you for a second.

Then he smiled.

"I thought you'd never ask."


Wow that was a bit short, but it was kinda fun to write so that's good.

I can't believe I only have two more brothers to go, dang. Then four of the side characters (I think I'll just feature Luke in Simeon's story, for obvious reasons I'm not gonna write a ship one shot with Luke oof). After that, smut :3. I'll probably mark those chapters with an *, so u know which ones to skip if you don't like that.

After that I don't really have plans, so don't be afraid to leave suggestions.

See u next story


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