The Little Star And The Sun(Luke)

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You had your D.D.D in hand, scrolling through your contacts.


"Hello Lucifer, Luke asked me if I could come with him to the new bakery that opened today. I know we had planned to go over my schoolwork, but could we do that somewhere after dinner?" You said when he picked up.

"Hmm. I guess that can be arranged. Be back before dinner."

You held back the urge to say 'okay dad' and instead ended with a normal: "Thank you! I'll be back with dinner, goodbye."

You got some stuff to get ready to go to that bakery when someone knocked on you door.

"Come in!"

It was Beel.

"I heard you talking about a new bakery, can I come along?" He asked.

"I'm sorry Beel, I promised Luke to come alone. I can bring you back some things if you want to!"

His face that fell, immediately lit back up again.
"Yes please!"

You smiled at him and gave him a quick hug before you went out for the Purgatory Hall to pick Luke up. The walk was quick and Luke was already waiting for you.

"Hey there, little star."

"I told you not to call me that outside! People will make fun of me if they hear it." The little angel spoke angrily.

"Well, Luke, if they make fun of you I will figure out where they live and who they are for a good civil talk."

Of course you wouldn't just talk to people who would do that, but the sweet angel didn't have to know that.

"Let's go, if we are quick they will still have fresh baked stuff!" Luke said, already over the topic and very excited to finally go.

You laughed and nodded. So you two went, down to the city, to the new bakery.

You arrived at the bakery and you were shocked.

The bakery was a bakery where they sold food from all the three worlds. They had human croissants, devil cupcakes, angel donuts and much much more.

You grabbed Luke's hand.

"Come on, let's go in!" You didn't have to say that twice. He basically ran into the bakery.

Your mouth started watering by all the things that were displayed. From the normal looking loafs of bread, till the detailed cakes. Luke was pulling you everywhere and was pointing at everything.

"Good day, both of you. Can I help you?" A voice said from behind the counter.

Both you and Luke looked at the person behind the counter at the same time.
Barbatos was smiling at the two of you.

"Barbatos? Is this store yours?"

"Yes it is, dear Luke. Lord Diavolo told me to do something more with my pastries, so I opened this bakery. Normally I don't have time to work here, so I leave the work to the little D.'s, but I knew you were coming, so I thought to welcome the both of you."

"That's very thoughtful of you, Barbatos." You said. "What do you recommend here? There is so much to chose from."

"Well..." He started pointing out a few things that he thought you and Luke would enjoy. He even showed some extra things for Beel. Even one cupcake that had a spell on it. Every bite fills as much as an entire cupcake.

You and Luke chose some things and you even got some of the cupcakes for Beel. You both thanked Barbatos after paying half the price (he said it was acquaintance discount, but you were pretty sure Diavolo had ordered him to not charge you as much as the others) and went outside.

"So, little star, where do you want to go to taste test these?"

Luke thought for a bit.

"Hmmm. I don't want to walk far, I really want to try the pastries. Let's go to the nearby park and sit next to the creek!"

"Great idea, let's go!"

And so you went, to the park. It wasn't a long walk so you arrived rather quickly.
You sat down and unpacked most of the stuff and put it on display.

"Which one do you want to try first?"

"This one!" He pointed at a donuts, covered in blue chocolate with little golden sprinkles.

"It's the donut Simeon and I used to get back in the Celestial Realm. They taste like something you enjoy most. Mine tasted like cotton candy, I don't know if it still does, let's try!"

He broke the donut in half and gave you one.
You took a bite together with Luke.

"Mine tastes like Barbatos's cooking now!" Luke said. "What about yours. What does it taste like?"

You answered his question as detailed as possible and so it went. Stories of the worlds you both came from came up, together with the food.

"Back in the Human World I once made chocolate donuts. They were covered in chocolate, but also had chocolate filling. It might have been a little too much chocolate, now that I look back at it." You chucked at the memory. "This friend of mine wanted to taste it, so I gave them one. Only after I gave it, I realized they were lactose intolerant. I tried to take it back from them, telling them they would get sick if they are it. Sadly they were guarding it with their life, while eating it very fast. I had to call a doctor to ask if they would be okay."

"Were they okay?" Luke asked, after he had listened to your story with open mouth.

"Yes they were. It was very funny in the end." You laughed and so did Luke.

After some more talking and eating, you looked at the time and realized it was time to go back. You packed all the stuff that was left back in.

"Come, little star, jump on my back, I'll get us home."

Luke giggled as you started running, with him on your back. You jogged half the way, before having to walk. Luke's legs were wrapped around you and his little arms around your neck. His giggles sounded like water drops in a cave.

You brought him back to the Purgatory Hall and gave him a part of the leftovers to share with Simeon.

After he put aside his bag of food he lifted his arms up to you. You picked him up and pressed your forehead against his. His little hands on the sides of your face as you both said:

"The little star and the sun
Always on the run
Best of friends they stay
Even if one is away."

You hugged him close before putting him down.

"See you later, little star."

"See you soon, sun."


Ah yes, wholesome stuff. This one is very nice in my opinion.

I'm gonna do a little update chapter, which should be out in a bit and more stories tomorrow (I hope, I'm pretty busy so idk if I can keep it up. But it's either tomorrow or the day after).


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