Birthday Presents (Diavolo)****

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Have this relatively long chapter to make up for my absence :)
Enjoy it, cuz I probably won't do this again.

"Today, you all will be assigned a task. The House of Lamentation needs to be in order for Lord Diavolo's stay here. I don't know why he decided to celebrate his birthday here, but it happened. I would like to get through this preparation process without trouble, otherwise there will be severe consequences." Lucifer sighed. "Now get to work."

As Lucifer stated, Diavolo had announced that he would be coming over to the House of Lamentation for his birthday. Now all of you had a task to do before he would arrive. Yours was to clean out the halls. So you started without complaining, knowing it would be done faster if you just did as Lucifer said.

You cleaned every little corner of every hall for over an hour until you could faintly here the noise of the door.

Diavolo had arrived.

You didn't get anxious because you knew that where you were working, they wouldn't be for a while. You just steadily went on, dusting the statues and cleaning the floors.

After another half an hour you were done and put all the cleaning stuff back where it belonged. Your back hurt and your arms were tired, but you knew you quickly had to report back to Lucifer. So you went searching for him.

You found him in the living room, together with Diavolo and Barbatos.

"Lucifer, I'm done with the halls."

"Took you quite some time. I assume you did your work well, you are free to go. We expect everyone with dinner, so don't be late."

"I will be there. You know where to find me if there is anything else. Also hello Lord Diavolo, happy birthday." You smiled.

He smiled back. "Thank you!"

And so you left to your room. You didn't do much and didn't want to do much, you just lay on your bed, daydreaming away. Your eyes grew heavy and you fell asleep.

After some time you woke up. You hadn't realized you fell asleep. You quickly checked the time. Late afternoon. You sighed, at least you weren't late for dinner.
You did feel refreshed after the nap. You stretched and got out and to the door to see if you could do something fun with any of the brothers.

You opened your door and immediately got shoved back. You didn't realize what happened until you stood with your back to your door, Diavolo holding a hand to your mouth.

You tried to complain, but he shushed you. Then you heard footsteps.

"Lord Diavolo? Lord Diavolo! Where did you go?" Lucifer's voice sounded almost desperate, to a point where you had trouble holding in your laugh.

When the footsteps and voice faded away Diavolo let go of your mouth. He still held you pinned against the door, but you could talk now.

"What was that about?"

"He was talking too much. I signed to Barbatos, who quickly distracted him and then I ran away."

"And you ran straight here?"

"Yes, you are the only one who wouldn't snitch me."

"You are the Demon Prince, who would try to snitch you." You chuckled.

He moved to look at you.
"More people than you think."

You only now really realized how close he was. You could feel his breath on your face. It was as if the atmosphere changed in the blink of an eye. There was a silence, charged with energy. Sexual energy.

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