Normal Human Sleepover (Diavolo)

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The Demon Prince called you over to his castle.

It didn't happen very often, most of the time it was because you were not doing good enough in class, which was definitely not the issue. You had been working your ass of for the past few weeks, so now you were just scared for what else Diavolo wanted.

Barbatos had called you that morning. You had been surprised to see him call so you had picked up the phone hesitant, but a bit excited.

"Goodmorning Barbatos! What makes you call me on this fine spring morning?" You had asked, putting on a British accent.

Barbatos had chuckled.
"The Demon Prince wishes for you to come see him tonight, that's all. He expects you for dinner, so be in time."

You had wondered why, but had agreed and hung up the phone.

So it was evening and you went. Apparently Lucifer already knew about this, because he wasn't surprised when you left the house.

You made your way over to the castle to be greeted by Barbatos at the front door. He always knew when you would arrive.
He greeted you and led you to the dining room.

And there he sat, on a dark wooden chair. Diavolo.

You weren't scared of him. Yes he was intimidating, but not in the way that Lucifer was intimidating. Diavolo had a pure heart, you knew that even though you didn't see him often.

As you say down, Diavolo spoke.

"I have called you here tonight..."

"I am aware." You smiled.

"... for a reason." Gone was your smile. He sounded threatening and even though you didn't know what you did, you felt the need to apologize.

"To have a nice dinner of course! And after, I would like for you to teach me about Human World sleepovers!" He said excitedly, even clapping his hands.

You looked to Barbatos a bit shocked. He only winked at you.
You couldn't believe that the centuries-old Demon Prince, ruler of Devildom, was sitting in front of you clapping like a little kid. You could basically see his tail wagging.

"Of course, my Lord." You said, smiling.

He waved your formality away.
"You know Diavolo is enough, stop being so formal."

And so you enjoyed a dinner which was more a feast.
While Barbatos was taking away the plates, Diavolo started speaking.

"So, what is a common thing to do on sleepovers?"

"Well..." You thought about it for a second.
"You hold sleepovers with your friends, because you want to spend time together. Some people build a party with a lot of alcohol and people. Others just watch a movie, or do a pillow fight, or bake something, tell stories and gossips. Girls often do their nails and face masks, I think. Guys go gaming a lot I guess?
You can really do anything, from movies to late night walks and picnics."

During your story Diavolo was nodding and frowning, like he was taking mental notes of everything you said.

"There is not enough time in one night to get through a the fun stuff!" He said.
"How do you choose?"

"Depends. Some sleepovers are planned, but most are just a 'go with the flow' and doing what sounds fun."

"Aha." He glanced at the clock. "Well then, do you want to go for a late night walk?" He asked.

"I would love to." You answered, smiling.

In a flash he was next to you and offered you his hand. A bit hesitant you took it and he led you outside.

It was a pleasant walk in the cool spring night air. You talked about a these little nothings. It was fun, you finally got to know Diavolo better and you didn't even know you wanted to.

He held your hand the entire time. Fingers intertwined he led you. The other hand he used to point out things to you, that you would have missed if you were on your own.

Back in the castle you walked towards the sleeping quarters. On the way he had another question.

"Do you commonly sleep in the same room at sleepovers?"

"Most of the time you do sleep in the same room, depending on the size of the room and the amount of people. It doesn't happen very often that people sleep with each other in bed, unless being a couple, very comfortable with each other or there is just a lack of space."

You had arrived at Diavolo's room.

"Do you... Do you want to sleep here? We might not have a second bed here now, but mine is big enough to have enough space if you're not fully comfortable. And if you're still not comfortable with that I could sleep on the g-"

"Diavolo, please. It's okay, I'll sleep in your room." You smiled.

The intimidating Demon Prince was actually very insecure.

You two got ready and settled in bed. Well, he got settled in bed and you got settled on his chest.

"Is this okay?" You asked.

"I suppose. Why?"

You chuckled.
"Because after today I realized I might like you more than I knew."

You heard his breathing and heart rate speed up. Not a lot, but it was something.
He turned around so that you were below him on the bed.

He softly stroked your face, observing you with loving eyes.

"Ever since you arrived here I've been wanting to do this. All this time I held back, because I didn't want to make you feel intimidated or unwelcome, but now... Now I can."

He kissed you, desperate but soft. You returned it, reassuring him that it was okay.

This lost Demon Prince meant more to you than you had realized.


Let's go, another chapter. I'm sorry this one was kinda meh, I tried.

My autocorrect knows no Diavolo. Only Discoloration. No joke, I don't know how many time I had to retype Diavolo, cuz it changed to Discoloration or Diabolo.

There will be a Luke chapter btw, it's gonna be very wholesome and sweet, no weird thing cuz like, Luke is a kid. But I will write a chapter for him in a very wholesome matter /gen :D

Anyway, Barbatos chapter in 1 or 2 days~


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