The Gang At The Beach

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- It was a really hot day so the gang decided to go the beach

- They got there and everyone ran for the water leaving Darry with all the bags and coolers 

- Steve, Soda and Two- bit ran right to the water and jumped in almost trampling  a little girl on the way

-Two-bit was wearing a Mickey Mouse swim suit 

- Pony and Johnny went to run in but Darry caught them and forced them to put on sunscreen along with the other boys when they got  out

-But Dally refused to put on sunscreen, he claimed he doesn't get sunburned

-They did chicken fights, Johnny on Dally's shoulders, Soda on Steve's and Pony on Two-bits

-Darry was busy relaxing in the sun

- Pony and Johnny got out and built a giant sand castle

-Named it PB&J Kingdom

-They all entered a volleyball game

-Soda got spiked in the face because he was distracted flirting with some girls

- Darry went full on destroy mode

-Dally would stand in front of Johnny to protect him from getting hit    Awww It's bromance!

-Dally then ended up spiking everyone in the face with the volleyball, so they asked us to leave the game

-Soda decided he was going to tan while Two-bit and Steve had a water gun battle

-They ended up spraying everyone 

-Then Steve sprayed Dally who was not happy

-Dally ended up chasing Steve with his own water gun and when it ran out of water Dally just chucked the gun at Steve

-It hit Steve in the face and his nose started bleeding

-Dally laughed

-At the end of the day they headed out

-Dally looked like a tomato he was so sun burnt, he would yell at anyone who touched him cuz it hurt like hell

-Soda forgot to take his sunglasses off when he was tanning so he had a sunglasses tan line

-Steve's nose finally stopped bleeding and It wasn't broken, they don't think 

-Pony, Johnny and Darry actually had a relaxing time

-And Two-bit had fun eating all the snacks in the cooler 

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