Dating Steve Randle Would Include:

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-Working on cars together

-Drag Race Dates

-Being his Drag race partner

-Play fighting and wrestling

-Him liking to show off and brag in front of you

-Baking cake for him and him wanting to help, which always ends in a food fight 

-Wearing his DX and other shirts

-You guys dancing and singing like crazy to the radio

-Also slow dancing!!!     

-Hanging out with him and Soda at the DX

-Him allowing you to go with Rumbles with him 

-He loves picking you up and spinning you around and giving you small kisses

-Him shoving cake in your face 

-Teaching you fighting moves 

-Going for lots of drives down country roads 

-Loves when you have sleepovers together, lot's of pillow fights and movies

-Secretly loves when you fall asleep in his arms, he feels like he's protecting you

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