Dating Dallas Winston Would Include:

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-He likes to show you off to people cuz your tough 

"Yeah that's my girl!"

-Wanting to beat up every guy that looks at you

-Very over protective only because he doesn't want to lose you

-Says he doesn't like cuddles but it melts his heart 

-Likes taking you out for late night drives

-Teaching him to slow dance 

-Going to rumbles together and yall kickin a$$

-Loves when you cheer him on when he's in a fight

-He teaches you fighting moves 

-Thinks your smile and laugh is adorable but doesn't tell anyone

-Only tell's you he loves you in private

-Giving you a switchblade

-Lets you wear his stuff, like his rings or old leather jacket

-He lets you wear his St. Christopher Necklaces 

-Biggest fear is that he will hurt or lose you

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