Where you met

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Pony: The library

You were both reaching for the same book and your hands touched

Johnny: The Park

Johnny saw you sitting alone on the swings, he went over to talk and found out you also went there to get away from your house 

Dally: Buck's

You were both there for a party and drinks and he started hitting on you but you played hard to get which made him fall in love with you even more

Soda: He Fixes Your Car

Your car broke down on the side off the road so he jumped out to help and give you a ride to the DX

Steve: A Drag Race

Steve went over to see the winner of the drag race and when he got over and saw it was you he immediately fell in love

Two-Bit: A store shoplifting 

He had just smuggled some items in his jacket and was about to get away with it when he rounded the corner and bumped into someone, everything fell out of is jacket and the others persons also, he looked up to see the most beautiful girl he's ever seen, you two both ended up getting arrested for shoplifting but you got to know each other real well in the jail cell till Darry bail you guys out 

Darry:  He was working on your roof

You went over to bring them some lemonade and when you saw Darry climbing down the ladder and walk over you fell head over heels

The Outsiders! Images and Preferences!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora