Harsh Rejection (Requested)

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PAIRING: Rosalie Hale x female!reader
REQUESTED: secretbooklover1705
WARNINGS: Harsh rejection, car accident
SUMMARY: Rosalie makes harsh judgments after learning you have imprinted on her and rejects you almost immediately

Finding your imprint was like a treasure hunt for your fellow pack members.

But for you, you found her at first sight. Instead of feeling the happiness and joy, you felt a mixture of different emotions on top of that. You considered Jacob to be your most trusting and loyal friend; leaving you the fact of knowing you had at least one person to speak to about this. Jacob was on edge of the idea of you imprinting on Rosalie, but soon became more supporting than bitter after seeing the sincere love you had for her through your own words.

The real challenge was to break the news to Rosalie. She was a lot like Leah when it came to hating the wolves. Some attitude, feelings, and unwanted rude comments that she would throw whenever given the chance. Because of the way you felt for her, it was easy enough for you to let things go and move on. After six months of holding in your secret, you knew it was time to spill it out as graduation was nearing. You attended Forks High School along with everyone else. This was something you were holding back until you found the right moment to confess. The thought of confessing scared you as you braced yourself for the worst of knowing how Rosalie was on these things. Both you and Bella had agreed to go and help Alice set up for the graduation party. The three of you were right in the middle of it when you hear the door open and shut, followed by the sound of footsteps approaching you. It was Rosalie, and she was already disturbed by the thought of you being invited into her home to help. What you didn't know was that Rosalie was beginning to feel the same way towards you as you were for her. She never felt this way for anyone else and because she didn't know how to act upon her feelings, she continued to make rude remarks towards you. Not wanting conflict to arise, you stood up and excused yourself for the bathroom as an excuse. However, you hear Rosalie mutter something under her breath that made your heart sink in sadness.

"Why don't you go mark your territory outside like any other dog?"

"Rosalie!" Alice snapped.

During your time together, you used the time to confess things to Bella and Alice. Although they worried about Rosalie hurting you but both were incredibly supportive of you just as Jacob was. You made them promise to keep this a secret but what Rosalie says next, infuriates Bella so much that she had blurt it out in your defense, not meaning to mock you in anyway.

"I'm just sayin, wet dogs-"

"Does it not matter to you that she has imprinted on you?!" Bella was fuming to the point of going into a frenzy of anger.

Realizing what she had just said, she turns to you and apologizes.

"I'm so sorry, Y/n!" She says, turning to you.

"That was supposed to be kept secret, but it's really okay." You reassure her.

This news didn't seem to change Rosalie's mind and she continues to insult you from this day on. That is until the night of graduation had arrived. Remembering Rosalie's hurtful rejection, it caused you to try and forget it even happened while you try to find the possibility of a new imprint.

"I don't go out with dogs, I can do better than that. Watch me." Her words rang in your ear.


Finally, the night arrives and soon, you had became a graduate.

Ever since the rejection, you had tried to keep distance from her without anyone noticing. She noticed and felt guilt flood within her as her love for you grew stronger. During the car ride back, the sound of tires popping on Bella's truck occurred. Bella was forced to pull over, and with the two of you being the only ones to know how to change a tire, you did just that. Rosalie and Alice's job were to hold onto to the tooling equipment and to hand them to you when needed. When it came to that time, you announced it.

"Wrench please!"

Rosalie had the wrench and instead of handing it to you, she throws it towards your way like a game of fetch.

"Here doggy, fetch!"

You groaned from annoyance as you give her a look of disbelief before turning to where it landed. Despite your excellent vision, it was still hard at times to see when searching for an object. Just after you pick it up, an unexpected oncoming car slams into you in front of everyone, knocking you out on impact. The last thing you remember was hearing everyone, Rosalie included, scream for your name as you lay there on the road. It was than Rosalie broke down and admitted her feelings to herself and like you, wanted to wait for the right moment to confess.

She fears that it may be too late now.


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