(No) Friend (Requested)

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PAIRING: Rosalie x female!reader
REQUESTED: secretbooklover1705
SUMMARY: Rosalie tries to stop you from being her friend

To you, Rosalie seemed to be a person of interest. Just everything about her fascinated you and you felt it was your mission to become her friend.

Sure she was rude to you, but that was really only because you were Bella's sister and she didn't get along with Bella in the first place. While she looked at Bella just basically as a nobody, she looked at you as a tag along because wherever Bella was, you were there, too. It wasn't that you were a tag along, it was just that you and Bella were very close and she was protective of you.

"Just ignore Rosalie, I do." Edward tells you and Bella, but you weren't going to listen and continued to try and be her friend.


That was going well until the next time you were at the Cullen's residence with Bella and the family left you alone with Rosalie for a short time.

Rosalie was sitting on the couch trying to read as you were trying to engage her in conversation. Rosalie showed no interest and you turned your attention back to the game show, cheering rather loudly for the contestants and at first, Rosalie didn't show it but she was getting rather annoyed by your racket. However, when she could no longer take it, she let the anger get the better of her and lashed out at you. If you were to be honest, you'd be lying if you didn't say it scared you, because it did. It scared you enough to take Edward's advice in ignoring her, and she would soon come to regret it over time.

"Oh my god, Y/n!"

Taken by surprise, you turn towards her with an raised eyebrow and a confused look.


"Do you ever shut up?! God, you're so annoying! No wonder you're just a tag along with a so called somebody for a sister. Can you do me one great big favor and stop trying to be my friend? There is a reason I don't have friends and I can't even stand the thought of you being my friend!" Rosalie nearly screamed at you.

"I'm sorry."

"As well you should be!"


Ever since than, you've avoided Rosalie at all costs.

Seeing you hurt and knowing she was the reason for it actually made her feel guilty and regretful for the words she threw at you. You didn't deserve that, no one did. Rosalie wanted to try and make amends with you in some way, but she wanted to figure that part on her own and didn't ask for anyone's help.

How could she miss not taking notice in how she came into your view, you would pick up your things and take off somewhere else? That made her only want to try harder, and she wasn't going to give up until she got the chance to make things right. As if by a miracle, she had run into you in the school library one afternoon when school ended, trying to talk your friend into keeping her promise in helping you with your chemistry homework.

"Come on, (f/n)! I really need your help this time!"

"Some friend."

Rosalie thought to herself. She waited until your friend was out of view , ditching you once again. Rosalie took the opportunity to start walking towards you; you were surprised to see her after you thought she had gone home. Just as you were about to pick up your things and walk away, Rosalie spoke up, stopping you from doing so.

"I can help you with your homework if you want."

But she doesn't give you much of a choice as she sits in the seat next to you and begins to help you through the whole assignment. From that point on, you understood that she wanted to fix her mistake and become friends with you, that was when a bond was formed as the friendship between you mended.



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