Chapter 15

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I woke up the next morning with the hangover from hell.

"Aish," I cried out in pain. I drank too much last night and it was obvious. I turned myself to the side to climb off the edge of the bed when the pain of my lower region made itself evident.

What would you have done if y'all had gotten caught?

That thought haunted me the rest of the night and even into my dream. I found myself getting attacked by netizens and his random supporters, calling me names, like gold diggers, money whore, and some very non politically correct terms for black girl. The worst part of it wasn't the name calling though. The worst part was that Jay didn't even defend me. He was so busy trying to kiss everyone's ass that he neglected to take up for me.

And I know that it was just a dream but what if that's the truth? What if the day comes and goes without a peep from him? I think that would hurt the worst.

I stay in that same position until the pain finally goes away and I can move. I can hear singing coming from the kitchen but honestly, I have no interest in food. I don't even have an interest in being bothered by my boyfriend. All in all, I wish I would've just gone home. I shuffled around the room, grabbing a fresh set of clothes from his drawers before getting dressed.

"Babe I hear you," Jay calls out. "Come to the kitchen."

I sighed but walked to him anyway.

"Good Afternoon Sleeping Beauty," he cooed as he flipped the pancake on the stove. "I thought I owed you a nice breakfast this morning for last night." He smirked but I folded my arms in return.

"Aww babe, don't be like that. You know you enjoyed it. With the attitude you were giving me and the attention you giving Simon, I think I was pretty lenient."

I just stared at him like he was stupid. I wasn't going to even say anything but he started pushing my buttons.

"It's funny that you would bring up attention, seeing as that was the one thing you gave everyone except for me," I rebutted.

He sucked his teeth and sighed heavily.

"Grace, it was just business."

"Wrong. Though business was involved, this was something for your friend. You ignored me at the first impromptu party and then ignored me at the actual party. You could've spent a bit of time with your friend at the event for him! You didn't even stop by the booth to speak. But then you have nothing but the fucking audacity to be upset because I was speaking to someone? Grow up."

"I had the right to be upset when my girlfriend was outright flirting with my friend."

"Wow Jay, that's great. Focus on only one part of what I'm saying," I rolled.

"The hell do you want me to say Grace? I was busy doing the shit I had to do. Nobody even knows we're dating, so it's not like I could've had you glued to my hip," he replied, removing the pancake from the pan.

"That's not the point Jay and you know it," I frowned. My patience for this conversation was running thin very quickly.

"Then what is the point because you just sound like a child that wanted attention, which I gave you!"

"No, you had some weird jealous territorial shit happen when you saw me speaking to Simon. If you're gonna bring it up, call it what it was. That wasn't the attention I was looking for."

"Jeez, you must just wanna fucking argue, because you're just saying a whole lot of nothing."

"Oh really?" I scoffed. "If that's how you feel then fine, I won't say nothing else. Eat breakfast by ya damn self, I'm out."

Happy that I don't go anywhere without my phone, I readily walked out of the apartment without a second glance.

I was so heated. He just didn't get it! It was the principle of the thing. He invited me out twice, to not spend anytime with me, to then in a jealous fit, take me away. To then throw the fact we're supposed to be a secret in my face but then mark me the way he did, sounds dumb. But he wasn't listening to me and I can't force him to, so it was best that I leave.

I decided to walk. I needed the time to think for myself and what I wanted.

Was I overreacting?

I don't think so but maybe I could've been nicer?

He's just so aggravating! Why doesn't he just get why I'm upset and fix it?

I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn't even notice the person standing in front of me until I had fallen straight on my ass.

"Ouch," I yelped before looking up.

"Damn Grace, are you okay?" The voice from above asked.

"Oh it's you," I laughed as the voice in question helped me up.

"Yeah it's me," Golden smiled, as I dusted myself off. "Sorry for knocking you over."

"No it's fine, I wasn't paying attention."

"Penny for your thoughts?" He asked me, genuinely concerned.

"Can that penny include breakfast? I'm starving," I chuckled sheepishly as my stomach growled.



"Wow, I can't believe y'all argued. You guys seem so happy," Golden says after stuffing his face.

"We are happy, don't get me wrong," I tell him. "It's just that he can be so pigheaded sometimes and refuses to listen to reason. Like I'm upset so why isn't he making the effort to understand why?"

"Well this is pretty new for him. He's never really had to choose between work and his significant other because it's always been work. Ladies have come and gone but these businesses are his," he explained. "I get why you're upset but put yourself in his shoes. Your artist got his girlfriend pregnant and told the world before telling you, which meant no strategies were made to tell the public. So you did damage control the best way you knew how, which meant networking and socializing with the people that could affect the business. He's just doing what he does best."

"That doesn't mean he had to avoid me the entire night. If anything, there was always a minute or two to spare to come see me," I responded as I moved my fork around my plate.

"Well it sounds like you guys need to have a talk," he replied.

"We tried that already, that's why I'm here with you," I pouted. "Not that I'm not enjoying our time together Goldie."

"First off, no. Second, you'll need to try again. You guys have to discuss what works for you guys, it's y'all's relationship. Nobody else's opinions matters but the two of you."

I mean he's not wrong... ugh what is wrong with us?

"But he takes everything as a joke, he doesn't like to listen, and it just feels like sometimes he doesn't care," I admitted.

"Grace... I hate to be the one to say this but you're talking to the wrong person," Golden responded.

I left that dinner agreeing with him but I went home without saying anything to Jay. Man... do I wish I would have.


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