Chapter 9

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I knew there was something different about Grace when I met her at the club that night.

She looked so cute as she struggled at the bar that I felt compelled to help her out. I honestly wasn't expecting it to go far but she asked me back to her table. Which blew my mind because I had an entire section to myself and my artists, yet she didn't try to get in it. I went over with her out of pure curiosity and was met far beyond my expectations. Not only was she cute, but she had pretty decent tastes about her. Our conversations were light and chill but I felt like they could've gotten deep at any moment if we had let it.

One of the things that excited me about her was her ability to keep her composure. Yeah, she was pretty drunk but she wasn't sloppy or all over herself. She could clearly handle herself in a public setting which in comparison to what I've seen over the years was a feat within itself.

"Do me a favor," I said to my driver in Korean. "Watch her when she leaves the car. Mannerisms, actions, you know the drill." He looked at me and just nodded. I watched as the car drove off that night, expecting to never see her again.

"Sajangnim (Boss)," started my driver when he came back to pick me up.

"Mm?" I answered.

"She seemingly sobered up when we pulled off. I mean you could tell that she was drunk  but she was very clear and concise about the directions she gave me. She even tried to give me extra help, just in case I didn't understand her. She had me drop her off at the bottom of a hill and I watched as she walked up to her apartment. That shocked me, truth be told. She seems pretty young but very mature."

I didn't say anything else. I just sat in my seat thinking about this eventful night. My phone buzzed, alerting me of a notification.

I'm home, just incase you were wondering- Unknown Number.

I chuckled to myself as I read the message. She's going to be something else, I thought to myself, intrigued by the idea of her.

That's what made me plan a last minute trip to that Karaoke spot. I wanted to see what she was truly like. Was she lying about not knowing who I was? I'm not trying to brag like I'm hot shit or anything but I'm known well enough in Korea and that's just a fact.

I knew I wanted to keep seeing her after the group hangout. I paid attention to her every movement, her body language, and her reactions. Everything about her just seemed so genuine. Her nervousness, her smile, her shock... Even now the only way I could perfectly describe it is pure, innocent, or even childlike. It's hard to find people like that in this world and anybody that truly knows me, knows I only fuck with people that I feel I can trust. Grace has this air about her that just makes me wanna trust her with everything in me.

If I could see Grace everyday I would, but between my businesses and my Roc Nation shit, I haven't had the time. But that hasn't been an issue with her. Most women I've dated or messed with always complained that I'm never available or that I don't spend enough time with them. It's always the same argument but they want the perks that come with my lifestyle. It may sound like I'm complaining but I'm just calling it how it is. But again, to my surprise,  Grace isn't like that. Sometimes we text all day for one day, then I'll be completely booked the next day and can't be bothered. She doesn't complain though, and when I apologize, she just says, "Why are you saying sorry? You have your own life to live, Jay. I know you be havin' a tight schedule sometimes, just hit me up when you get a chance."

It hasn't been long since we met but it feels like I've known her for a long time. So last week, I called Soo and asked her when Grace would be available. She helped me with the shopping and picking out the restaurant. I could not have done this without her.

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