Chapter 1

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"Alright y'all," I said, signaling for everyone to start packing their bags. "Class is over for the day but I still want you guys to study your vocabulary words. I didn't give you too many, so write me a short paragraph in your notebooks using those words. I'll check them on Monday. Enjoy your weekend."

"Bye Teacher," my students' waved as they exited the classroom. I plopped down into my chair as the last student cleared out.

"Great class today Grace," said Soo-yung.

"Thank you," I replied. "This week has really stressed me out, I'm so glad it's the weekend."

"I bet it did," she laughed. "Look, some of us are going to Ellui later tonight if you want to come."

I guess I made a face because instantly her eyebrows raised. "No pressure, just think about it and let me know." And with that, she was out the door.

Life for me has been so different since I moved to Korea 3 months ago. One day I was just thinking about how I was ready for a change when I was back home and as if by some twisted fate, I was scrolling through Twitter and this girl was talking about how she got to live in Korea for cheap. I looked further into it and the rest was history. So I packed my bags and hopped on a plane to Korea to teach Korean kids English.

Even though I had been here a few months I didn't really have many friends here, so for the most part I was alone. Thank God for Soo-yung. She's the assistant teacher for my class, so naturally we became cool. She was few years older than me but it didn't feel like. She partied way more than I did. Could out drink me too. She was always a good time but I was hesitant about going out here. I heard plenty of stories of how some black person wasn't allowed into the clubs and I didn't wanna go through that, so I hadn't gone out.

So I thought about Soo-yung's invitation for the rest day. I packed up my stuff, got something to eat, and went home. After a long debate, I decided to leave it to fate and flipped a coin. Heads, go to the club. Tails, stay home and watch another K-drama.

I took a quarter out of my coin jar and flipped it. I watched the coin as it spun in the air and land in my hand. I close my eyes as I slapped it on the back of my other hand. Like a scared child, I decided to peek with one eye at my results.


I let go of the breath I didn't realize I was holding. Netflix it is, I thought. I went to the bathroom and about 2 hours later I emerged, picture ready.

Guess I'm to the club. I rolled my eyes at my indecisiveness. Go have a good time! Stop being antisocial! With this resolve in mind, I texted my friend to let her know I'd come. She quickly responded with the address to meet her at.

It was 11:30pm when we got to the club. Without any issues, we were let inside. The music was blaring. Couldn't decipher the song but the beat was nice. Soo-yung, her 3 friends, and I made our way to a booth and sat down. The drinking commenced soon after.

The next 2 hours flew by. There was dancing, drinking, laughter, more drinking, and more dancing that occurred. It was at 1:30am that they left me at that club.

"Grace, I'm going to get her home," she told me, pointing to the drunk brown haired girl in our booth. She slung the girl's arm over and proceeded to limp out the bar. "Text me when you get home."

After sitting alone in the booth for 3 minutes, I decided to get even more drunk. Korea was decently safe country and I'd just call a cab to pick me up at the end. That's what drunk me rationalized.

I got up and went to the bar. "Hello." I waved my hand back and forth, trying to get the bartender's attention.

"God this is gonna take forever," I mulled.

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