Chapter 24

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Sept 2019

It's been about a month since the 'incident'. The truth is that I'm still not okay but I'm taking it one day at a time.

The first week was the hardest. I didn't eat anything other than some bread. I didn't really wanna talk to Jay either. I stayed holed up in the guest room, trying to distract myself.

I didn't wanna do anything other than wallow in self pity.  I wanted the world to open up and swallow me whole.

After taking off a month from work, I had no choice but to return back.

"Teacher!!" They yelled as I entered the classroom.

"Grace Teacher we missed you!" The kids ran up to me and gave me nothing but their undivided attention. For that I tried my hardest. For them. Because they need not know my struggles.

"We heard sick teacher, so card," Minwoo told me, handing me a card.

Get Well Soon Grace Teacher!!

My eyes began to sting while I smiled.

"Gamsamnida Yeoreobun," I thanked. They smiled back and laughed.

Class was easy the first day. My kids made coming back the sunshine in my otherwise stormy nightmare I called my life.

They gave me something to look forward to. Getting out the bed everyday got a little bit easier because my students needed me. And I needed them. Which is more than I can say at home.

Jay spends most of his time out of the house. Comes in at all odd hours of the night... we barely speak to each other these days. Months seemingly pass that way with out resolve.

Our mornings haven't been pleasant in a long time. One thing leads to another and then boom, we're in an argument.

"Do you think you're coming home tonight," I asked.

"I should ask you the same thing," he bit back.

I scoffed and just left for work. It wasn't even worth the fight. I only wanted to know if I should cook dinner that night. At that point, I couldn't figure out why I didn't just go to my apartment. The way were living wasn't right but... I don't know. I guess I still really loved him and didn't wanna let go. Maybe I should've...

In a blink of an eye New Years rolled around and H1gher Music threw the biggest party of the year. Everyone was invited. AOMG, Big Hit, JYP, SM, etc., if you were a signed artist, you were invited.

HM rented out a warehouse on the outskirts of Incheon and tricked it out, making it look like the party destination of a lifetime.

I showed up with Soo Eonni as I would to any event, hiding behind like a speck of dirt on a white blouse. I'd come to feel more and more like a nuisance as the days prolonged.

"Fix your face," Eonni scolded, brightening her smile for emphasis. I haven't been happy in months... I don't even remember how to.

I grin and look at her. "This is the best you're gonna get out of me. I'd rather be babysitting my Sweet Girl instead of being here."

"Well you're already here so don't whine about it. You haven't had a fun night out in months. Try to enjoy yourself."

"Yeah right," I rolled my eyes. I walked over to the bar and I ordered two bottles in Korean, the only thing benefiting from my relationship with Jay. I could now fluently speak and read the language, though I had no choice since I started going out more often by myself.

I brought the bottles to our seating area, popping the bottle open quickly before taking a huge swig.

"Grace slow down," she warned.

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